people can only help if they know of your problem,,,

I have had many problems that I've had to solve myself,,  because others
have no knowledge of it...

the fact is, that for many of the problems I have had, this list has been

The best way of fixing probs i have had, is to go to the linux goggle site,
and enter in the error message.,..

I ususally find dozens of email archives about it and many include possible

linux is a huge collection of apps... far more then MS, thats its power and
its detrement...
power because it can do almost anything, and detriment because it makes
support that much harder...

but over all, the extra apps and capabilities are worth the extra hassle...



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Loke Kit Kai
Sent: Sunday, 24 June 2001 1:36 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Linux bashing again by Intel??

right... asking experienced people for help... it is this kind of mail that
push me off linux... I did gave linux a try, post a few mails on this
mailing list... how? got any help? NO!!!

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeffrey M. Reed
Sent: 24 June 2001 01:01
To: Romanator; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux bashing again by Intel??

On Saturday 23 June 2001 07:55, Romanator wrote:
> Where are our big guns? Please read this story when you
> have time. However, it's not all doom and gloom.
> Roman
> Registered Linux User #179293
> Email Powered By Tux Email Utility

ok, here we go again. i'm so happy when you guys post stuff
like this because in all seriousness, all it does is piss
me off. so forgive me because i'm about to spout.

ok, not suited for the desktop? then why, oh why, do i use
that back! now i have Quake 3, Alpha Centauri, and a boat
load of FREE ones that i play on my linux box when i feel
the need.

you see, the miracle of this FREE OS is that it's conquered
CORPORATE CULTURE lends itself to the world of MONEY and
ADVOCACY. along with that, add freaky phrases like
LICENSING, and PIRACY, and .net. how could they (meaning
those WINTEL bastards) capitalize or function with a FREE
system? they simply can't SELL IT. a lot of them don't even
understand that it's for real. trust me...i work with these
guys every day. again, a lot of these guys ASSUME that
because it's free, then it must be, in linus's own words,
'a piece of crap'.

linux is based on an IDEA...a principle if you
will....FREE. intel, and all these other idiots can shut
the hell up. they're whining and complaining like every
other typical american consumer when they get something for
free. WHAT? I HAVE TO PUT IT TOGETHER? i try to make an
analogy for people...something like: what if instead of
just buying a car, you were sent the parts....all of
them....for free or at least for a very low price (which,
by the way, can be done of course). the problem is, the car
is completely disassembled. you don't even know where to
start. so, you would probably spend a lot of TIME trying to
figure it out. but, if you're curiosity factor was strong
enough, you'd go out and spend a souple o' bucks on a
CHILTON and start learning how to put the sucker together.
eventuallly, through a little trial and error, you WOULD
learn how to build a reading the manuals and
ASKING OTHER EXPERIENCED PEOPLE (aka mailing list!!!) how
to put certain things together. maybe you would NEED to
spend some extra cash for a mechanic to help you...maybe
you would NEED to spend the extra cash to beef up your
engine a little. but, after SUCCESSFULLY building your car,
you would have yourself one nice ride. AND, then you could
SHARE (aka bragging LOL) your experience with others who
want to know how to do it. difficult process? yes. time
consuming? yes. but in the end, you should feel pretty damn
good because you just built your own car. AKA LINUX.

this OS was never intentionally made for the
was a college kid's science project and of course, we've
found a way to 'bastardize' it and throw it into out
corporate marketplace. THAT IS NOT WHAT IT WAS MADE FOR.
you all need to get that clear in your head...NOW. it's an's a is POWERFUL but it's power
this silly little science project is that NEVER has any one
stupid little computer gadget sparked such a community
effort worldwide! never has something so 'marketable' (aka
FREE) become so available! think about it. i read these
lists every day and more and more and more people are
beginning to realize that the way we are 'used' to doing
things does not have to be goverened by one company who's
selling the 'standard' set of software with the 'standard'
OS for a seemingly reasonable long as you don't
make illegal copies, you won't go to jail. isn't that a
nice feeling? me thinks not. you now have a CHOICE. INTEL,
has a CHOICE. M$, INTEL, Apple, AMD, ALL those guys...they
can write all the shallow arguments they want.

if linux is so 'non-standard', then why are there literally
HUNDREDS of desktop environments available...and program
packages? HELLOOO! what the hell is KDE? i've only been
using linux for about a year now and in just a YEAR, i've
seen KDE grow into something M$ WISHES they had. i just
don't get where the hell they're going with THEIR argument.
linux is the coolest damn thing since the friggin' ball
point pen! all these companies...they're just PISSED

if you like AOL, email, 'OFFICE' and all that shit, go
ahead and stick with M$ because honeslty, i really have no
problem with M$. hell, i studied their stuff and took their
tests and i even got a great job as an NT admin.

if you want to LEARN about REAL computing and learn how to
write your own programs and have a little FUN while you're
at it, use linux dammit.

p.s. i use the XFCE desktop on my box and i LOVE it. - check it out!

it's nice to have a CHOICE instead of my choices all being
made for me. THAT, is truly american...independence and
individual thinking. freedom. thanks for letting me
vent...i'll shut up now.


+  Jeffrey M. Reed
+  Linux System Administrator
+  Metro West Boston Linux User Group
+  (508)792-6070

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