On Saturday 23 June 2001 18:49, Loke Kit Kai wrote:
> I don't understand what are you trying to put through to me...
> basically, my language is on the weaker side...
> I do hate what Microsoft is doing, and I am impressed with
> Mandrake, trying to provide a user friendly os, but it will
> stop there if other applications do not provide the same user
> friendness Mandrake has provided... Remember, the whole world
> is full of non techies, and people who do not want to spend
> lots of time configuring their system... I just started a
> company with my classmate... do you think I can afford to
> spend time trying to get the drivers for my efficient adsl
> modem when mandrake itself don't want to support me? I
> followed the instructions, and what did I get, blank response.
> I posted to this mailing list, and what did I get, blank
> response. If you were in my shoes, do you think you will still
> faithfully stick to linux to solve the problem? I am already
> thinking of getting new hardware to solve that problem,
> because I can't wait any longer... But any useful assistant
> for configuring Samba would be appreciated. Don't tell me to
> refer to the documentation, because I don't understand it...
> Now, I would love to see linux succeed, but from the looks of
> it, it still have a long way to go... How about you guys stop
> arguing about the articles, and do something about the
> interface to cater for people who are not techies!!! You can
> open up the computer to learn the parts doesn't mean that the
> rest of the world needs to... Every person in the world plays
> a different role, and that role doesn't need in depth
> understanding about the internal workings about the
> computer...

Check MandrakeFreq.  Damien has been working really hard on ADSL 
support.  Still, a lot of hardware is unsupported because 
manufacturers just make it and write windows drivers for it and 
market it, leaving the linux community with a job of reverse 
engineering that is iffy and expensive, all in the name of 
"Intellectual Property".

Now this list isn't the only place to get support.  Did you try 
MandrakeExpert?  www.mandrakeexpert.com  The link is on your 

There is also an expert mailing list, where people get help, and 
there is a huge step-by-step on setting up samba at 

But if you need things in a real hurry, get out the wallet and 
buy the Gates solutions and be prepared to pay a small army of 
people who have passed the certification exams (often the 
product of boot camps where they take the tests several times a 
day, and are coached by their instructors on what they did 
wrong)...  Oh and also, get the best data backup you can find, 
because you will be using it a lot.  And make sure before you 
buy that your idea of how to do business matches theirs because 
you will be fighting wizards uphill all the way if you want to 
do something a little different.

So you have a choice, a quick and mediocre soultion, with few 
choices, or a longer one with understanding (not to the level of 
programming, but some) and the ability to make your own choices, 
and the ability to trust the software.

And that choice is yours.  If you put a little more effort into 
looking and a little less into criticism, I think you would find 
what you want, but you have to make that choice.  We are not 
here to make choices for you.  If you have reached the 
conclusion that because a newbie list cannot help you with an 
expert problem, you have to jump to windows, so be it.


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