On Sat, 23 Jun 2001 02:44:34 -0400, Lanman wrote:
>I have to agree with Franki; The PC revolution in the last 10 to 20 years
>have created a demand for a ton of hardware and apps, but has not created the
>willingness to RTFM !! If people want to become mnore efficient with their
>PC's They're just going to have to open a book and (GASP!!) read ! Learning
>is not a bad thing. Seeing how we're going to be depending on computers more
>and more, it would make sense to learn what's under the hood, don't you
 I couldn't agree more here too. As a shade tree PC Tech (working to get
certified soon), I get so many calls from people who have just bought some kind
of new software, a game, office stuff, whatever, and asking me what went wrong
here, or why isn't it doing this, or how do I work this and that part of it, etc,
etc... And every time I just shake my head in disgust and nicely tell them that I
can't possibly know how every application works, that 'they' have to read the
manual and see what they need to do. It's just simply mind boggling the lack of
common sense in our world.
  I have been trying though to get people who just buy a system to try Linux. I
have them download Peanut Linux and let them play around with it alongside M$,
that way they aren't completely inundated with 'Stupid on the brain' M$ alone and
have to actually try to use their thinking abilities to some extent.

-- John,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 23/06/2001

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