On Wednesday 20 June 2001 17:25, Jay needs a Guinness wrote:
> Can I safely uninstall printpro and it's related files safely.
>  I can't configure my printer and I believe printpro to be the
> culprit.  When I installed LM 7.2 from a single CD, me printer
> was configured OK.  Only when I installed the Power Pack and
> all the CD's, did my printer become impossible to configure.

Printpro conflicts with cups--both use the cupsd daemon but 
different versions.  If you we5re able to install both, you have 
the kde 1.99 version of 7.2 and should at a minimum update to 
the 7.2 mandrakefreq, and also should reinstall NOT selecting 
everything  (any other size is good, just not the "Everything")

And yes, printpro is a commercal version of CUPS plus their own 


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