On Tuesday 17 Sep 2002 3:36 pm, you wrote:
> On Tuesday 17 September 2002 09:59 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > On Tuesday 17 Sep 2002 1:55 pm, you wrote:
> > > On Monday 16 September 2002 02:21 pm, you wrote:
> > > > As I understand it, yes it is true.  Of course, you could sue him for
> > > > damages to you and your kin, but he could and probably would sue you
> > > > for his injury. As far as I can see he would almost certainly get
> > > > them too.
> > > >
> > > > Anne
> > >
> > > But Anne - does it make any sense??? Who in their right mind(s) would
> > > make any laws like this? (and I'm not slighting any one particular
> > > country here - just generalising).
> >
> > Those who feel that laws are hard on criminals.  No, I'm not of the 'hang
> > 'em, flog 'em' persuasion, but there seems to be a complete lack of
> > understanding that any law that strongly favours one side is unfair to
> > the other.  'Positive discrimination' is to me still discrimination.
> >
> > > You really gotta wonder what lawmakers are thinking sometimes. :-(
> >
> > Don't bother - it's imponderable.
> >
> > Anne
> Sorry, Anne, but it's not all that difficult (at least not here). Just
> follow the money. Every elected politician's first thought is how to get
> money so that he can get re-elected so that he can get even more money so
> that he can get re-elected again...
> -- cmg

I don't think the money for re-election is quite such a big deal here - the 
system is very different - but knowing the right people is very important.  
Not better - just different


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