I agree comletely, Linux is still very young and developing. My twist on the
"car analogy" is like this....

Windows is the average car which the vast majority drives and get from point
A to point B. There are lemons depending on everything from quality and
price but they get the larger slice of the consumer pie.

Macintosh is the BMW and Mercedes...etc. You pay for the high quality and
since everything is included your less likely to have problems again barring
any X factors like quality control and bad management.

Linux and other "althernative" OS, whichever term you want to use, is the
kit car. The old Chevy or Ford you want to tweak to run and look like you
want it to. You can remove the air conditioner to boost engine performance.
Get rid of manufacturer settings again to get that boost you want. Doing
whatever you want to make it run, look, and feel just the way you want and
to reflect your individual personality. The only problem this is a small
market there are problems with making those tweaks. You can problems but the
point is to make the changes you want.

Macintosh and Windows don't and may never do that, personally they won't
since their user base is so much different than Linux.

I do a lot of home video editing. Windows sucks for this even with
Windows2000. Apple is excellent for this but has a history and the
experience that has given it this result, but the price is ridiculous and
just out of my means. Personally, most of the Apple designed machines I find
ugly especially the Flower Power iMac which I would find humilating to be
seen using.....lol

Linux has stability and is pretty much a clean slate for developing.

I do not hold any OS as my religion. I just can't see it as such but I like
the open source and I like Linux. Heck, I crash Linux 3 times more than I do
with Windows since I am constantly looking through and fiddling with.

I don't trust Linux, Windows, or Mac but I do have hope for Linux compared
to the other two. I wonder do those who prefer command line will ever move
to a GUI or do they just stay in a command line enviroment within a UNIX
platform since thats all they want?

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