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i _am_ jealous of your new machine.... 1.4gig. i can hear more than one Tim 
Taylor grunt right now!
sounds sweet!

On Saturday 30 June 2001 03:48, you wrote:
> Rita:
> > I would *love to see a product that will give a lot of people a
> > highly usable alternative to M$, because I dislike their
> > tactics.
>     I rebuilt my system this morning. It was a Pentium III-450 oc'd to
>  600. Now with a different motherboard, cpu and sound chip, it's an AMD
>  Athlon 1.4gig.  I booted it for the first time into Mandrake 8.0
>  (+cooker), overclocked to 1470, on the drive that was runnin Mandrake
>  in the old system.  Not even a burp.  Only thing I had to do was run
>  harddrake to config the new integrated sound chip. Found that I could
>  reliably run 'mprime's torture test at 1.55 gig without raisin the
>  default voltages and stay below 50C under heavy load with the cpu.
>    WinSUX, OTOH, wouldn't boot into anything but failsafe (even at the
>  default 1.4g). It kept search'n for new hardware, install it, ask to be
>  rebooted,  over an over .... well this went on for more than a dozen
>  times till it finally got it halfway right enough to boot to a normal
>  desktop.  I was on the fence of even putting winBLOWS on this new
>  system, now I'm sorry I did. I'm gonna miss Flight Sim 2000, but I'm
>  fixin to just delete Windoze off that drive altogether and make some
>  more room for the Penguin. BTW, still no sound in WinSUX, and there's
>  still much to reconfigure .... If I bother.
>    Who cares if Billy gets split?  People who're savvy enough to
>  realize Windoze SUX?  .... or the vast masses that'll support Winblows
>  jus 'cause they don't know any thing better?  Whether Billy had won or
>  lost yesterday wouldn'a made any diference with his flock. I believe
>  they get what they deserve.  Everyday, many people get the kind'a
>  winblows experience I gave above.  Most don't know or care that
>  Winblows is the culprit, they'll use it anyhow.

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