On Sunday 01 July 2001 03:30, Olaf Marzocchi wrote:
> At 08.34 01/07/01, you wrote:
> >I do a lot of home video editing the total cost of my own built machine is
> >still 1/3 of what a high end Mac costs. Exclude the iMac which at their
> >cheapest, or affordable if you like, is still a $1000 without a rebate. I
> >don't use anything smaller than a 17" monitor since my eyes are going ka
> > ka. The iMacs is not an appealing or an option for me personally.
> You could plug any monitor you want to the iMac.
> >I like the PowerMacs but all of the ones I have seen even with rebates are
> >still out of my range and many many people. I guess like any luxury if you
> >willing to eat spam and bologne use the toothpaste until the tub is rolled
> >flatter than paper than great.
> >
> >Just curios does anyone run Linux, without third party software, on a Mac?
> > I saw a package claiming to run Red Hat Linux on any Mac. Just curios to
> > see how that is done with or without a third party software.
> Linux on a Mac? stupid. Buy a PC it's cheaper!!!
not "stupid".  Mandrake for Power PC, and use broadcast 2000 for video 
editting.... smooth in my humble opinion. 
But truly expensive for the  Power PC MAC. of course you can build a P4 PC 
with 512 megs ram and a uwscsi 2 hard drive that will do the editting even 
better (also in my opinion) for a few bucks less than buying the Power MAC

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