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On Saturday 07 July 2001 20:15, thus spake Judith Miner:
> I sense a big split among Linux users (I hate terms like "Linux
> community"<g>) between those who want the OS to become friendly enough
> to lure disgruntled SOHO/home users from Windows and those who want
> prospective users to do it "their way or the highway." The reality is
> that Linux will never penetrate the SOHO/home market unless it bgecomes
> easier to manage and more accommodating to the needs and preferences of
> non-technical users. There is no reason a powerful OS can't have a
> friendly face.

OK, now I think I see where you are coming from. And I agree, there are 
certainly two lines of thought when it comes to future Linux development 
and the idea of making Linux easier to use, so that it will become more 
attractive to current Windows users.

Personally, I think the Linux market can support distributions which cater 
to both tastes. For myself, I like a fairly easy to use system for daily 
work, but one which allows me to get into the "guts" when I want to know 
what is going on. Mandrake has thus far filled this role superbly, and I 
hope it continues to do so.

For those who want an even easier system, you might try Caldera. I ran it 
for almost a year (eDesktop 2.4), but eventually I decided that its 
options were somewhat limited for my tastes. However, it did make it easy 
for me to try out Linux in a day-to-day environment, on my laptop.

> Thanks again for your comments.
>  --Judy Miner

Thank you for an interesting discussion.


- -- 
"Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit." (No 
fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
- - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
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