I just installed DualHead on my Mandrake workstation. (Like two weekends ago.)

Well in trying to do this, the Matrox site went down, and I couldn't find the
right driver I needed.  In hopes trying to get the drivers to work and blah
blah blah, I downloaded and installed XF86 4.1.0.  I downloaded the Xinstall.sh
and all the files it needed.  I then did a sh Xinstall.sh and it went through
and did everything.

There was a time where it was asking me some questions I believe. (I can't
remember.  I was installing so many things that weekend it was crazy.)  It took
quite some time to configure and install, but once it did, everything runs
smoothly.  I haven't had any problems with it, and I'm running the Matrox G400
MAX, and since then I've had no problems.  Then again I didn't have any
problems before hand either.  I only upgraded that because I thought maybe it
would help with supporting the new driver I was trying to use.

So I installed it when I didn't need to, but I haven't had any problems either

T. Holmes
"Real Men Us Vi!"

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                        Your Fortune
Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means
for going backwards.
                -- Aldous Huxley
| Newbies,
| Has anyone had any positive or negative experiences with the latest version
| 4.1.0 of Xfree 86?
| Jim

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