On Tue, 10 Jul 2001 09:05, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> On Monday 09 July 2001 01:40 pm, Cliff Gosden wrote:
> > When I ran the program to check which binaries it said there were no
> > binaries for this version (i.e LM8) so I didn't proceed.
> > Cliff
> http://pclinuxonline.com/article.php?sid=75
>     Texstar is a good ol' TX Luser.  He often makes major upgrades
> available much the same as Chris Molnar use to for KDE.  I use a lot of
> cooker updates, but for major items like XFree, and between chasing
> failed dependencies and other snags ... it's a lot easier to let a hand
> like Texstar do it for you ;)

I have been using Texstar's RPMs for quite some time now. His site, 
http://www.pclinuxonline.com, has some very good information on installing 
KDE 2.2 beta 1 from Cooker, and he has rebuilt the kdenetwork package to play 
nicer with LM8 systems.

> > > Newbies,
> > > Has anyone had any positive or negative experiences with the latest
> >
> > version  > > 4.1.0 of Xfree 86?
>    As I aluded to above, I've been usin Texstar's rebuilt Mandrake
> cooker rpms for over a month, no problems. I should say tho that he
> also has some newer 4.1 rpms, but they disable anti aliasing for 8 to
> 14 pt fonts. So I haven't bothered with those.
> ftp://ftp.eastwind.net/pub/mirrors/texstar/Xfree-4.1.0/

This behaviour (not anti-aliasing fonts between 8 and 14 pts) is standard in 
the XFree86 4.1 release. This (and other AA related stuff) can be adjusted in 
/etc/X11/XftConfig. I have full anti-aliasing for most fonts on my system.

I have been using XFree86 4.1 from MandrakeFreq 2 for several weeks now and I 
can say it is great. It's a bit quicker than 4.0.3 and the AA fonts look much 
nicer. Of course, your graphics hardware has to support it, and version 4.1 
has even greater hardware support than before.

To anybody wishing to upgrade to XFree 4.1, I would recommend that you 
download and install at least the first CD of MandrakeFreq 2. I initially 
tried just upgrading the XFree RPMs to 4.1, but afterwards I couldn't start 
X. The Freq install fixed everything up :-)

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
        "There are two major products that come from Berkeley:
        LSD and UNIX. We don't believe this to be a coincidence."
                -- Jeremy S. Anderson

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