Civileme wrote:
>> right click the ZIP Icon and select "Eject"  or issue eject /dev/zip
in a console. <<

There is no Eject option if I right click on the Zip icon on the KDE
desktop. Nor are there options for mount and unmount. I have not changed
any icons that were installed by default. There is no eject/unmount
option in Konqueror file manager, either. Is there a way to add such a
thing? I also checked the Gnome desktop and there was no Zip drive icon,
period. The only icons were for my Windows drives C, D, and E.

>> Again--right click [the CD-ROM drive icon] and eject <<

Alas, no CD-ROM icon on the desktop. No eject or unmount option in the
file manager. It has to be done from a Run line or console. In general,
my CD-ROM drive works by just pressing on the button. Refusal to open
seems to be just an occasional thing and I haven't isolated the
circumstances yet. though it has happened most often when I've been
installing something from one of the two distribution CDs.

I see others have also found no such icons on their desktop after a
default installation of KDE.
 --Judy Miner

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