Maybe I am under-paranoid or under-informed or something, but all this talk of
viruses is getting to me as well.  I see the time spent worrying about viruses
as being better spent backing up data or playing with kids or something.  People
spend more time and money (not as accurate in the linux world) on viruses than
they would ever spend fixing a virus problem.  I've been doing this computer
stuff for about 5 years now and have never had an anti-virus program or a virus. 

Just a thought
Quoting alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi All
> All this talk of viruses is getting to me.
> Which virus programme do I need, if any at all. Here is my system:
> My machine - stand alone mdk8.0, at home, dialup isp. Using kmail with direct
> pop connection to isp to retreive mail and direct smtp connection, in this 
> case to <> to send mail. The same system is used if I use
> Netscape. No virus programme is used. M$Win98 on hda, mdk8.0 on hdb.
> # The anti virus programmes, it seems to me, are used in conjuction with 
> fetchmail/postfix/sendmail/qmail/procmail/etc where the mail is intercepted
> before being received or sent. Am I right in this assumption?
> # If I am wrong then what is the most efficient way to set up kmail or 
> netscape direct dial system to incorporate virus protection for my linux sys
> and as a secondary consideration, my M$Win98 sys 
> I do have Win98 on my first hd that I occasionally access via linux to 
> retrieve files or archive mdk files. Sometimes I use Win98 directly. I do not
> access the internet form my M$Win98 drive (at the present). 
> # Is it possible for a Win virus to migrate to the win98 hda when accessing
> it using a file manager assuming that I do not directly copy an email or 
> attachment to the Win98 hd? 
> # If I did want to copy the contents of an email to the M$win hd would it be
> okay if the contents where copied to a text file and the text file copied 
> across for use in say Corel WP8, I do not use M$ Office at all, at all!
> # Recently however I archived my kmail and netscape 'mail box' on the win98
> hda whilst I changed the file sys over to reisersFS - could a problem arise
> in a case like this?
> Sorry for the verbosity but I sometimes think that I have all straightened up
> in my mind when one of the mails on the list says, "/var/spool/mail/ . . . ,
> then I know that the list is talking about something else and not a direct 
> connection to the Internet from the mail programme.
> Thanks and regards
> Alan Smith
> PS just read about the SirCam virus - do I panic slowly?

Ignorance is underrated

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