On Tuesday 31 July 2001 05:36 pm, you wrote:
> Jon,
> There's a few things wrong here:
> #1.  In order to give access to /var/www/media (which isn't under the
> default document root of /var/www/html), you need to either alias it in the
> httpd.conf "Alias /media /var/www/media/" (without the quotes), or move it
> under /var/www/html.
> #2.  The link that you are using is incorrect.  Since apache is using
> /var/www/html as the document root, all documents (excluding aliased
> directories) are fetched relative to /var/www/html.  This means the link
> http://ip_number/var/www/media/file.zip, is in fact attempting to find the
> file /var/www/html/var/www/media/file.zip (which isn't there).
> The correct link (once you've either aliased or moved the directory as in
> #1), would be http://ip_number/media/file.zip
> The answer to the question "Is this because of directory permissions?"
> would be no, at this point.
> Michael
Thanks for your help! Got it working! Apache is up and running and serving 
webpages...lol Isn't linux great?
Thanks to all who have helped me get Apache up and running.

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