did I tell you it would be easy and toooooooo cooool

On Tuesday 31 July 2001 18:48, Jon Doe wrote:
> On Tuesday 31 July 2001 05:36 pm, you wrote:
> > Jon,
> >
> > There's a few things wrong here:
> >
> > #1.  In order to give access to /var/www/media (which isn't under the
> > default document root of /var/www/html), you need to either alias it in
> > the httpd.conf "Alias /media /var/www/media/" (without the quotes), or
> > move it under /var/www/html.
> >
> > #2.  The link that you are using is incorrect.  Since apache is using
> > /var/www/html as the document root, all documents (excluding aliased
> > directories) are fetched relative to /var/www/html.  This means the link
> > http://ip_number/var/www/media/file.zip, is in fact attempting to find
> > the file /var/www/html/var/www/media/file.zip (which isn't there).
> >
> > The correct link (once you've either aliased or moved the directory as in
> > #1), would be http://ip_number/media/file.zip
> >
> > The answer to the question "Is this because of directory permissions?"
> > would be no, at this point.
> >
> > Michael
> Thanks for your help! Got it working! Apache is up and running and serving
> webpages...lol Isn't linux great?
> Thanks to all who have helped me get Apache up and running.

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