On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 06:49:17 -0400, you wrote:

>Rog and everone else that cannot find the "delete" key.
>Please do not abandon this list, and do not ask to be killefiled or otherwise 
>put your heads in the sand. world wide co-operation and "humanization" is 
>almost the only way we have to prevent the types of tragedies we are living 
>thru. I KNOW you all knew that at one point without even discussing it. true 
>we do NEED to keep this focused on Mandrake Linux as our tool to have a 
>chance to offer human kindness to individuals world wide. if we close 
>ourselves off, we have a much more difficult time making others realize we 
>are as human and caring as they are. 
>That said, the delete key can be found on most keyboard right below the 
>insert key, and to the right of the carriage return or enter. (you know, the 
>one you use in M$winder$ [along with the Ctrl and Alt keys] to fix a 
>freezeup). <Big really stupid redneck Grin>


I am not one of those who cannot find my "delete" key. I live 10
minutes outside the city - I can see the rubble. My girlfriend lives
on 12th street, I have not been able to get to her (I'm hoping today I
can get her into Jersey), and today was only the second time we were
able to speak since it happened. I have countless friends in the city,
including a handful that work on Wall Street, all of whom fortunately
are accounted for. Most of whom saw the second plane hit. Most of whom
lost friends. I can't understand the motivation to banish people from
the list for posting about this...when I suggested that the
mandrakesoft clown who started the blacklisting talk killfile me, it
was because I simply have no need to speak to him, ever. I don't have
a problem with it being posted about here - like any other social
group (which is what lists like this are, regardless of the stated
topic), I can't imagine it not being discussed.



>On Friday 14 September 2001 00:49, you had thoughts to the concept of:
>> On Thu, 13 Sep 2001 16:15:03 +0200 (CEST), you wrote:
>> >FYI, I'll take a look at the list tomorrow, and blacklist everyone who is
>> >still talking about politics there. You are still welcome to discuss what
>> >happened in one of these threads:
>> Just curious - do you run this list? You've said twice how you'll
>> "blacklist" anyone still discussing it tomorrow as though you have the
>> ability to have us thrown off the list. If you are just talking about
>> killfiling people, please killfile me now, as I have no need for
>> discussion with you, about Linux or anything else.
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