On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 10:52:30 -0500, you wrote:

>How many of your Mandrake customers are dead or maimed?  How many potential
>Mandrake business customers responsible for the re-building of IT
>infrastructure have you just alienated?  Does the death of  more than five
>thousand souls not transend the fact that this is a Linux mailing list?
>These are unprecedented events and you should take that into consideration.
>This affects all countries, all peoples of the world and Mandrake Linux is
>NOT more important.  I do agree there may be forums set-up to discuss these
>issues, but any  place to communicate is appropriate and proper.
>If you have noticed, the original purpose of the list is proceeding as
>normal, so what is the big deal?
>You allow other OT topics such as Bill Gates is Satan and XP can be cracked.
>What do these have to do with your customers learning how to use your
>product?  Not one damned thing, yet you and others defend the right for such
>inappropriate postings.
>It seems to me that given your experiences you would understand, obviously
>you do not!  This is a world forum to discuss things which affect Linux and
>Mandrake, is it not?  Don't you think these past few days affect Linux &
>Blacklist me if you like, I'm not sure I want to associate with someone like
>you any further.
>Good day and open your mind!

Thats the part that really gets me - off topic, long ranging threads
that don't mean shit can be discussed for weeks...but this, well, no!

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