Title: RE: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

Well son of a gun, somebody forgot to tell my computer that, cause it is using the new kernel and it does boot from lilo and the old kernel is, yes, gone. So until I have problems with what's up and running I will leave it alone for now. Next time I will use the ivh install cause everyone else seems to have the problem and mine could have been a fluke as was mentioned earlier. But, as I said to begin with, I used the Mandrake Upgrade just to see what would happen, as the computer in question is the one I use for testing and experimenting for the sake of learning about "what happens if I do this......?" Linux, the possibilities are infinite.: )  Dennis M.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Charles A Edwards
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Warning for newbies, learn from my mistake

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 09:31:39 -0800
"Myers, Dennis R NWO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I got the same thing, but then discovered that lilo had the wrong harddrive
> as the boot drive. Go in with your boot disk and check the lilo
> configuration to make sure it is reading the hda1 or what ever your boot
> partition is, correct it if need be and run /sbin/lilo from a console and
> see if that doesn't get you a clean boot. I have (I say again) no problems
> on two computers with the new kernel installation. I don't know what I did
> wrong: )  Dennis M.
This Will Not work if you have used MandrakeUpdate to Update the kernel and
there is a problem with the new kernel installation.

An orig boot disk will not work because that kernel no longer exists.
A boot disk made with the New kernel will not work because the New kernel
was not properly installed and configured.

The proper way to install a New kerel is to manually download the kernel
and do rpm -ivh (New kernel), this will leave the old kernel intact and still
Run lilo and then double check all your config files.
Make a boot disk containing the New kernel.
Reboot your system and boot to the New kernel.
If there are no problem and after having run the said kernel for a period
of time then update/install the headers and source for the New kernel
using rpm -Uvh (headers) (source)


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