On Tuesday 01 January 2002 19:23, you wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Jan 2002 09:12:25 -0500
> Ed Tharp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> studiouisly spake these words to ponder:
> > On Tuesday 01 January 2002 01:38, you wrote:
> > > On 31 Dec 2001 20:05:55 -0500, Michael Leone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > wrote:> >I think Civileme's point was that if/when the UCITA law
> > > passes in> >Washington, USA, then Microsoft (headquartered in
> > > Washington) will be> >able to make a minor change to their
> > > proprietary .doc/.xls/whatever> >file formats, and it will be
> > > illegal for Sun or anyone else to> >reverse-engineer that file
> > > format to create a new filter for their> >competing office suite.
> > >
> > > > Sun licenses the file formats from MS, don't they? They didn't
> > > > reverse-engineer them, I thought.
> > >
> > > Nope, they are reverse-engineered. That's why it has taken so long
> > > for the filters to reach their present level of quality (which is
> > > very good). Calling it "reverse engineered" is a little of a
> > > dangerous reach, (in my HUMBLE opinion), my guess is a lot of the
> > > info is from APIs released by M$, to allow third parties to be able
> > > to write macros and other programs that will work with M$
> > > applications, the rest would be "obvious" to someone studying, say,
> > > word processor programing.
> I don't say this lightly, or with any reservation or apology at all. I
> think it's past time to just tell MS to take a fly leap on a rolling
> donut and move away from them in mass. For some it may be a bit
> difficult, but not impossible. If we don't we've only got ourselves to
> blame for the feeling of being held hostage by their proprietary
> systems.
> I for one am going to begin recommending, and loudly, to my superiors
> that its time we begin productivity migration away from MS. There just
> isn't any future in it. O, well, _their_ future, but certainly not one
> of choice and freedom.

Just to add my experience with M$ bondage:

ALL my documents, in their original format, were in MS Word for Windows 2.0c 
format. Some I had used in Ventura for DTP. When I decided to switch to 
LM 8.0, I was left in a quandry. All those documents had to be 
converted. Unfortunately, W2W 2.0c file format cannot be imported directly in 
StarOffice 5.2. 

If I had not made a firm decision to continue with LM, I would have backed 
out because of this major import problem. Luckily, I could import rtf -- so 
converted all the documents. My Win partition awaits to be deleted (the kids 
use it for Caesar III).

As far as businesses are concerned, most have upgraded to Word 95/97 etc. So, 
if the switch would be relatively painless. When I ran my 
publication, it was a constant struggle to get different programs to work 
together (in WIn 3.1) . With Linux, I've had few problems, aside from 
learning a new OS. StarOffice, though it's sort of slow, allows me to "plan" 
what I'm about to do -- at least I have time to grab a coffee while it loads!

>From my limited business experience, I would not trade the stability, ease of 
use, and functionality of LM, for all the glitz and promise of continuous 
reboots that I had encountered with M$ products. Furthermore, the threats of 
forced upgrades, dubious registration tactics, and cost of operating MS might 
tip the balance for other businesses to switch from MS. It's just a question 
of time. 

I agree that there "isn't any future in it" -- but getting businesses to take 
that first step. . . .

Have a Blessed New Year!

[Btw -- And I'm REALLY Off-Topic here: My wife received the neatest present 
from her mother: PJ's with a whole bunch of cute,smiling little penguins. 
Guess that makes her a "Linux-Lady" -- Maybe LM should promote these? Or send 
one as a present for Billy's wife???]

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