> Anyone using Win4Lin or WINE out there able to tell me a little about 
> their experiences?

I use it, I think very highly of it. It does all M$ networking
stuff, runs practically everything. (WP2002 is the only thing
that I know won't install) The only thing it can't do is play 
games, but I boot to real Winsux for that (like there's any
other reason ;-)

> I need something to run FrontPage98 and Thumbsplus and with all the 
> complaints out there still, probably Word as well. :-(

I used to run FP98, now I run FP2000. They both work
flawlessy. In the days when I was forced to use M$ Office
products, they ran perfectly as well. Well, let me rephrase: 
they ran no worse than in a normal Winsux installation.

> I do have a copy of Wordperfect for Linux - any comments?

Although it's rumored to have happened, I've never seen WP _ever_
run well, so you're asking the wrong guy.
> I have M8.0 and was wondering if it was worth buying a  std pak 8.1 
> and HOPING to get a bit further than with 8.0 ..... Still have no 
> sound, no CD, lousy onscreen fonts.

If you have the time, you could just download 8.1 for free. Then
if you like it, make a donation at their website. Or buy stock.

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