Erylon wrote:


> >
> > I am going to have to do a complete re-install anyway as I've lost
> > the SU/root password..............  :-(
> Actually,  losing a password isn't the end of the world.  I once did this
> myself, and it's fairly simple.
> reboot and type
> linux init=/bin/sh rw
> at the LILO prompt.  This will boot into the non-protected root shell.  GRUB
> requires you to hit the 'e' key twice and add
> init=/bin/sh rw             to the boot command, the ENTER then 'b' to boot
> when the sytem is up type
> vi /etc/passwd
> The entry for root will look like this
> root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
> If that is what you have hit ESC and then :wq!   to exit vi. If not, change
> it to look like that
> Check permissions with  ls -l /etc/passwd     they should be    -rw-r--r--.
> Run    vi /etc/shadow
> The format will be
> [accountname]:[password]:[other stuff] e.g.
> root:$1$KODLG[etc]:10979:0:99999:7:::
> DELETE the password entry for "root" by moving the cursor to the first
> character of the password (usually $) and typing      dw       Now type wq!
>  which will save the file.
> Now Run
> sync && mount -o remount,ro /
> which will write all buffer content to the disk and remount the partition
> read-only.  Press CNTRL-ALT-DEL to reboot.
> On the next login, type     root      for the account name and just hit the
> ENTER at the 'password' prompt.  Type      password      to give 'root' a
> password.
> That's worked for me!
> e.

This is truly fascinating. But if you don't use "vi" it is
hard to understand. Just confirm for me that "dw" is delete
word and will stop the delete at the first colon. "wq!" is
write and quit?

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