----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 9:26 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Answers to the Geek vs the rest dilemma.

Maybe YOU should do 2 things Dimitris:

1. Re-read my note

2. Re-read your reply.


I hope that this poisoned letter of yours comes only because you tried very hard as a Linux newbie to install and get some things working (apps) and obviously you didn't succeed in doing so. You will never make it, trust me. Never, as long as you are carrying in your back and in your mind the M$ philosophy of get things working. Obtain some, cathedral, as you name it thinking and then,maybe , things will work out for you.  <thrown away>

P.S. Forgive me if I'm being too arogant but you managed to piss me off, while I have a lot of work to discover new bugs in KDE 3.0 Beta 2!


I did say:

Now - don't shoot the messenger!

I certainly did fail! That was the whole point of the commentary!  I have not found since Redhat 5.1 a SINGLE SOUL who managed to instal a comprehensively working Linux system who was not a full-fledged Geek. (Actually it is only heresay even then - I personally have not seen one.) 

Big Bill is the richest man on the planet.  Mandrake is sadly facing bankruptcy.  One is logical the other is evangelical.

Mandrake MUST fail if it persists in its "negative loop".  It is insane that a product is ever given away. The model has never, ever worked. Over a trillion Dollars in lost investor funds has already shown this and we are looking at more than that figure again.  Most of which was Pension Funds, Old People's and family savings entrusted to "Institutions".

Mandrake's salvation is simple. Get some professional enterprise skills in there. Get some people who know marketing. Start with logic: a product given away not only has no value to the receiver, it is very expensive to the donor. 

Mandrake is already a great Value-Adder.  The minimum fee for the geek-downloadable product needs to be $20 to contribute to the maintenance - not make money - merely help offset costs.

The Boxed product has made a great start - but who is marketing it, much less who is buying it.............

Mandrake needs a Certified Installer program.  It needs to spend all it can out in the street supporting a grass-roots marketing strategy.  One based on a simple fix: 

Buy it Installed and guaranteed working for just $150......or $250................ 

 I repeat: never could it have worked. The numbers - to any experienced marketer never were there.  The second best known product in the Linux field, with rave reviews has even spent the money it got by floating. Even Mandrake is not going to be a D.I.Y. product ever - just the same as Windoze never was........  It needs to be fitted by a geek.  Or a very experienced PC User.   

BTW: NOBODY has so far claimed to have met the condition I enquired of - a simple, one-go instal.

MY case rests................. sadly.

But I'll be back. I am looking into Win4Lin, but the news so far isn't good.  WINE - couldn't even find my way around on the Site..... much less what it works with....

Maybe 8.1 will work...... or 8.2..........  ( hope springs eternal)


Him Again


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