On Thu, 2002-05-02 at 05:57, Robin Turner wrote:

> Here in Turkey you normally get a computer installed with a pirate copy of 
> Windows!
> Sir Robin

Here in the US, there's a version of XP running around that has all M&
internet contact ability ripped out of the core.  It installs without
contacting M$, and does not do the customary updating after the XP
installation is complete.  In fact, this version supposedly never
contacts M$ EVER.

I've had it offered to me by some "insiders"; but since I have converted
completely to Linux (Mandrake) I declined.  Anything that smacks of M$
these days is completely repulsive.  Which I have a little different
perspective on that these days than most, since I and some of my friends
been involved in the computer industry from the Dos-only days. 
Unfortunately I've grokked the M$ entity very thoroughly; therefore my
disgust is complete and total.

As a matter of fact, a friend was happily talking to me last night about
the latest virus software, and some of the latest wiz-bang winblows
hole-fixer software, and some of the problems they had circumvented
surrounding Outlook.  I hate to admit it, but I found my eyes glazing
over as I was totally disinterested.  From a Mandrake standpoint, it's
like peering through a looking glass into another world, where the
computer users there are enslaved and suffering, and yet don't see the
yokes on their backs.  It's gotten to be very surreal.


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk     Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5    Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899 http://counter.li.org/

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