[24] Transfer rumour of the day
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
Ronnie Johnsen could be a target of Barca in the summer?

[23] Matchday ref info
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
Yes - as one reader pointed out - it wasn't Mike Riley who did the 
goal celebration - "clenched fist in front of shorts". It was  actually Mike Reed. 
Apparently Riley was a guest, and speaker at Fergi'es big party on the evening after 
the 7-1 West Ham game, which Riley refereed. Hopefully  he'll be sending off a few 
Scousers on Sunday then.

[Thanks for that info Peter]

[22] First goalscorer odds
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
click odds to place bet Man Utd:
Solskjaer 4/1 
Sheringham 4/1 
Scholes 7/1 
Giggs 9/1 
Beckham 9/1 
Greening 10/1 
Healy 10/1 
Keane 11/1 
Chadwick 14/1 
Fortune 16/1 
Irwin 16/1 
Butt 18/1 
Wallwork 25/1 
Silvestre 40/1 
Johnsen 40/1 
G Neville 40/1 
P Neville 40/1 
Brown 50/1 
No Goalscorer  8/1 
Fowler 13/2 
Owen 13/2 
Heskey 13/2 
Barmby 11/1 
McAllister 12/1 
Smicer 16/1 
Biscan 16/1 
Hamann 20/1 
Gerrard 20/1 
Ziege 25/1 
Murphy 25/1 
Hyypia 33/1 
Babbel 40/1 
Carragher 40/1 
Traore 50/1 
Henchoz 50/1 
No Goalscorer  8/1 

[21] Odds for the game
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
4/7 Man Utd win 
5/1 Liverpool win 
9/4 Draw 

[20] Giggs on the game
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
"Losing the title at Anfield in April 1992 was terrible.  Leeds had won in the 
morning, so we knew we had to beat Liverpool on  their home patch to keep our 
faltering challenge alive.  We lost 2-0, which confirmed Leeds as champions. Anfield 
was in  raptures and their fans took a lot of pleasure from our failure. After the 
game, on my way to the team coach, a couple of Liverpool  fans asked me for my 

I obliged, only for them to tear it up in front of me. The manager  always reminds me 
of that incident to motivate me when we play  Liverpool.

Against Charlton I saw Solskjaer out of the corner of my eye and the  goalkeeper off 
his line, so when the ball fell to me I just  thought 'What the hell?'. I watched the 
ball after I hit it and it was almost like it was in  slow motion.  I was waiting for 
it to drop but as it went nearer and nearer I  thought it was going to go in.

I took a chance because I had nothing to lose. I am disappointed  that I have not 
scored more goals this season because I always aim  for double figures, but there is 
still some time left."

[19] Stapleton on the clash on Sunday
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
"It has got to the point of being close to  hatred. I think it has a lot to do with 
jealousy from both sets of  supporters. It is the biggest game of the season for 
Liverpool and  for Man Utd it's on a par with Leeds because it's that sort of  

I think it's been a place like Anfield was some years a go when 
people used to go there and tremble and didn't perform. In the last few years when 
I've seen Liverpool play at Old Trafford  they have not played too badly and had most 
of the play. I think Michael Owen can cause problems for any team. I think it's  down 
to the service he gets. The problem for the team generally is to  make sure they don't 
get overrun.

Liverpool haven't really been given much chance in this match I  think most people are 
thinking they are going to go there and get  beaten so this could be the occasion 
where they turn it round. I don't think Sami Hyypia has played as well as he did last 
season.  Him and Henchoz have looked stretched all the time and the goalkeeper  has 
had a little bit of a confidence crisis.

I think Wes Brown is an outstanding young player. Everybody has  great hopes for him 
for many years being the England centre back. He will be first choice, himself and 
Jaap Stam, as soon as Stam gets  himself fit and back playing. I think they will be a 
formidable defensive partnership for United. It's a vital fixture for United to 
maintain their lead over  everybody else. I don't think Liverpool are in the title 
race. They have lost to  many games in the league up to now to be realistic 

But the game itself means a lot to them. I think it could give them  a new sense of 
belief. If they beat United at Old Trafford they will  know they can go anywhere in 
the country and win. I think it will be a tough game and United will come out on top.  
There is always goals scored. I think there will be a minimum of  three and United 
will win 2-1."

[18] What a home record
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
United's complete Premiership home record since losing to 
Middlesbrough reads:

P 36 W 30 D 6 L 0 F 106 A 26 Pts 96

[17] Silvestre - I'm glad I didn't join Liverpool
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
"I was very close to signing for Liverpool, but after the manager 
[Sir Alex Ferguson] came in for me there was no doubt that I would  sign for 
Manchester. I'm quite happy when I think about all that I have done at United in  one 
year.  It was amazing for me to start against Liverpool in my first game in  the 
English league; it was an amazing, very quick game. 

Maybe I prefer playing at centre back, but everybody says I am 
better at left back so I don't really care what everyone says. I try  my best every 
time I play, whichever position it is. We are already 13 points clear of them, so I 
think they have no chance of  catching us."

[16] Yorke on watching from sidelines
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
"Over the past two seasons it has been Andy Cole and  myself as the two main strikers 
with Teddy third or fourth in line.  He was getting a few games and was the man to 
come on in matches.  But, at 34 or 35, you would have thought he would want regular 
team football. 

Obviously, that was what he was thinking about in the summer when he  had to make up 
his mind whether to stay at United. But credit to him - he has hung on.  We all knew 
what he could do but to be top scorer in the country  with 15 goals so far has 
surprised a lot of people.

Teddy is a real thinking man's footballer. He  anticipates situations and sees things 
better than most players. He  has great experience and know-how.  I think our styles 
of play are similar because we are not just out- and-out goalscorers but people who 
can link up play as well." 

Not so long ago players were finishing the game at 32.  But nowadays in football the 
financial rewards are so enormous you  really want to be playing on at the top as long 
as you can.  To do that you have to look after yourself and keep fit and Teddy has 
been a great example. 

It certainly has been a year of two halves for me. After  finishing top scorer for the 
second season running and winning  another championship to finding myself sat on the 
bench.  Then just when I'm getting back into it I'm sent off for a bad  challenge. 
That was my own fault. 

Looking back, I probably did take my foot off the pedal a bit at the  start of the 
season. But I'm determined to come back. I think Manchester United put everyone in a 
panic,  including Liverpool.  As this club began to dominate everyone started making 
wholesale  changes to try and catch up.  Everyone is throwing money at the situation 
to try and find the  right formula rather than develop a team as Alex Ferguson has 
here  and Liverpool used to do.  I believe Gerard Houllier is starting to do that 
again and I can see 
them getting much stronger."

[15] More from Gary Nev
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
"In my mind, there are four teams who can win it. United, Arsenal,  Leeds United and 
Liverpool, who we meet at Old Trafford tomorrow. I  think Chelsea are too far back to 
make an impression. It will take  only one of those teams to put a run of results 
together and they  will be right back in the race very quickly. 

In this league, you can easily have setbacks such as the one we had  at The Valley. We 
had another one at Ipswich Town earlier in the  season and West Ham came back at us to 
draw. If you get into the  second half of the year and suddenly lose your form and 
someone else  comes with a run, it is difficult to hang on. We don't for a second  
entertain any of the talk about the championship being over. 

Liverpool, actually, have always done well against us at Old  Trafford. Together with 
Chelsea, they seem to be the team that causes  us the most problems and I don't 
anticipate it being any different  tomorrow. Liverpool have been written off, too, but 
they are only a  couple of wins from being right back in it. 

People know I don't have any great affection for them, but I do  admire them in many 
ways. I think they have gone about things in  exactly the right way in recent years. 
They have bought a lot of  good, young English players, including Emile Heskey and 
Nick Barmby,  to go with the lads who have come up through their youth system, such  
as Steven Gerrard, Michael Owen and Jamie Carragher, and now they  have a great mix of 
Englishmen and talented foreign players. 

I saw some of the articles about Michael this week now that he has  turned 21 and I 
couldn't believe that some were implying that he was  past his best. He seems to have 
been around for a long time, that  much is right, but that's only because he made such 
a huge impact at 
such a young age. 

He's had a terrible time with injuries since then, but everyone goes  through lulls in 
their career and Michael has been through his now.  He's scoring goals again and 
looking sharp. I've played directly against him for United and he is hard to mark 
because he is so quick.  I won't be underestimating him, put it that way. 

Sometimes I think that people have got this idea in their head that  Owen and Robbie 
Fowler are struggling when actually they are getting  back close to their best. The 
evidence of how good they are is that  99 per cent of other Premiership clubs would 
put both of them in  their team without even thinking about it, but Liverpool have got 
the  luxury of having Heskey to fit in as well. 

It will be a tough game tomorrow but, even if we win, nothing will  have been decided. 
In football, Christmas is far too early to start  handing out the presents."

[14] Gary Nev is a Red speaks
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
"The first time I had to leave the house on Christmas Day to go training, it was a 
real shock to the system. We've always had quite a  big family Christmas, with about 
15 people round at my Mum and Dad's  house, and it didn't seem right having to leave 
it all in the middle.  I've got used to it now, though.  It's going to be the same 
this year. We're away to Aston Villa on  Boxing Day, so that means having a 
mini-Christmas dinner, then  wobbling around on the training pitch for a bit in the 
afternoon and  then climbing on the coach for the journey to Birmingham. 
Last year, I did manage to get out on New Year's Eve to see in the  Millennium; I had 
a party for some friends in Manchester because  there was no game the next day. This 
year, though, we've got West Ham  United at Old Trafford on New Year's Day, so I don't 
think I'll even  bother staying up until midnight. I'll be in bed by about 10.30. 

As usual, it will be a crucial period for us and the rest of the  teams who are in the 
running for the championship. It made me laugh  when I heard some people saying that 
the title race was wide open  again after we drew with Charlton Athletic last weekend. 
I feel as  though I've said it until I'm blue in the face, but it's farcical to  talk 
about the championship being decided before Christmas. 

We famously overhauled Newcastle United when they went into late  February with a 
12-point lead, and we once lost the title when we had  a healthy lead in January. To 
talk about it all being over because  we, at one stage, had an eight-point lead in 
December was ridiculous."

[13] More from Houllier
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
"United are the best in the world and they have a good chance to win 
the Champions' League this season. The team goes from  strength to strength, and their 
players are not old. To get level  with them is asking a lot. In a race, you need two 
things: for you to  keep up your momentum and for them to have a slip, which has not  

It's so  difficult to close the gap. They're playing on a different planet.  Even if 
we beat them, they will still win the league. We can't be  compared to them at the 

You can't compare us. We are a young team that  has been together only 15 months. When 
you look at the average (age)  of the squad, it is only 24 or 25. We have put up the 
foundations of  the team. What we need now is experience."

[12] Wanchope Fifa's best - the City view
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
You may recall that this story about Wanchope getting a vote as World Player of the 
Year in the FIFA awards was brought to our attention ahead of the rest of the media 
thanks to Red News reader, Lee - who has to put up with Bitters at work.

Well, he's kindly given us an update...

"A brief update to my post the other day ...The sad Massive I mentioned has this 
morning referred me to a page on siddy's official website, where I found the following 
'view' of the Wanchope debacle.  At least it proves it wasn't his mum who voted, as 
originally suspected. What odds Soccer AM do a piece on Wanchope being better than 
Keane, etc on their show ?

>From city:

'STRIKER'S TOP FINISH. City's striker, Paulo Wanchope is the fifth best player in the 
Premiership..and that's official. The enigmatic Costa Rican hitman has baffled the 
armchair experts, knocked a few faces out of joint and probably just reinforced what 
we knew already. 

City's summer record signing is a better player than all but one of the squad on the 
other side of Manchester, Keane included. His Premiership ranking has been endorsed by 
Football's World governing body, FIFA when he finished 22nd in their recent world 
player of the year award poll, won by French superstar Zinedine Zidane. 

The only Premiership players to finish higher than Wanchope were David Beckham 
(sixth), Thierry Henry (seventh), Fabien Barthez (17th) and Marcel Desailly (19th). 
The twenty four year old, City's top scorer, finished in front of the likes of Kanu, 
Dennis Bergkamp, Andy Cole and Roy Keane as well as Lazio's Pavel Nedved, Juventus 
striker Alessandro Del Piero and gifted Portuguese star Joao Pinto. 

"It is a great boost for him," said Joe on hearing the news today. "It has not been 
easy for Paulo to settle in to what is his third Premiership club. He has just moved 
house and his mother is over with him at the moment. We are now getting a continuity 
of training with Paulo and that is reaping benefits. He has proved to be terrific 
value so far this season and I don't just mean in the financial sense." 

So how has the striker, who won over the Blues fans with a hat-trick in his home debut 
earlier this season, knocked a few, "names" off their perch? 

The rankings are compiled from a poll of each national coach from the 150 countries 
registered with FIFA. They are asked to nominate their first, second and third placed 
players. Wanchope received one first place vote, worth five points, and that was 
enough to place him 22nd, according to FIFA's website. 

But it appears his lofty place in the pantheon of the world's greatest players may 
have been down to a bending of the rules. His solitary vote came from his own Costa 
Rican manager, Gilson Nunez Siqueira, and coaches are not supposed to vote for their 
own players. The Supreme Court will not be called for a final judgement!"

city humour, massive style at the end there!

[11] Mexes transfer talk latest
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
It appears to be us, Juve and Roma fighting for the signature of Auxerre's Philippe 
Mexes now.

[10] Scouse overload
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
Alan Kennedy this time...

"Manchester United aren't invincible and I'm optimistic about Sunday's game. I'm not 
saying that we'll win but we'll give it our best shot and come away with a draw. 
Manchester United are a good team, probably the best in the country right now and 
Liverpool will have to watch Man Utd's midfield as they tend to get a lot of goals 
from midfield." 

[9] More United praise from Closseau
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
Shouldn't he be talking about his own team? Or too many failings to report? 

"Manchester United's main quality is their quality. You have to give them credit and 
respect. They have gone from strength to strength. Their players are very skilful, 
very competitive and very hungry." 

When he said: "We will need another 50 games to get the kind of solidarity and 
confidence they have." does he mean another 50 games against us?

[8] Jaap going but not playing on Sunday
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
And already knows what a Utd-Scouse game is all about...

Stam says: "I'll be at Old Trafford to see the lads take on our old rivals Liverpool 
this Sunday. This is a really special game, the sort I don't like missing. These games 
aren't just about points, they're about pride. The atmosphere will be fantastic, 
especially as this is the first time we've played Liverpool in front of our increased 
capacity of 67,000."

[7] Blanc rules out move to England?
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
>From our French correspondent:

Laurent Blanc on a small satellite channel TV :"I will stay with Inter for the rest of 
the season, that's for sure. My  contract ends in the summer. I think - I am almost 
sure - that I will go on  playing. Where? I don't know. Maybe with Inter, maybe 
somewhere else.  England? No, I think that I will either stay here or go back to 
France. I  have travelled a lot, my family needs stability. But you can never be sure 
of  anything..." 

It seems that, contrary to reports, we won't see Blanc in a United shirt. This news 
hasn't been covered by french media, yet - you read it first again at 

[6] Ole wants to emulate Teddy
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
"Teddy's playing well and he's proved that if you get a run of games you get the trust 
of the manager. I have to try and emulate Teddy. I have learnt a little bit from that 
as well. He is a prime example of someone who is performing and because of it has kept 
his place in the side. It gives you hope that you can do it too.

There are going to be more opportunities for me this season, starting with these three 
matches, and I have to take them. I'm ready for this run of games but I'm not going to 
put extra pressure on myself. It is a big chance for me but I'm not going to worry 
about it"

[5] UEFA think of fans?!
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
'Uefa have blocked Celtic and Rangers' bid to join a lucrative EuroLeague because they 
say the Old Firm are too obsessed with their bank balances and have forgotten the 
fans' wishes.'

Uefa general secretary Gerhard Aigner insisted: "The officials from these clubs have 
nothing against Uefa, but they wanted more receipts and a more attractive competition. 
But they have forgotten an essential point, that the sole judge of football is the 
supporter. How are the supporters going to react if we take away the tradition of 

UEFA caring for fans...get Victor Meldrew out of cold storage.

[4] Houllier praises...United...again!
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
You have to laugh - as if you wouldn't but once again Inspector Closseau comes along 
with his 'Utd are light years ahead of us' speech before our game - the Scouse fans 
must be gutted to hear it time and time again, but as each year passes they never get 
any closer to his version of 'this time next year we will be closer to them'!

Houllier said: "We have reached the fourth round of [Euro Vase] and the semi-finals of 
the Worthington Cup. Those are signs of how we are developing. Even if we beat United 
on Sunday they will win the league. You may say that is defeatist but I say it is 
reality. We will need another 50 games to get the kind of solidarity and confidence 
they have."

One year behind us, two years, even 5 we've heard before - now it's 50 games...

[3] Westerveld has problems
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
Ahead of Sundays clash with United, Liverpool keeper Sander Westerveld
reveals his inner feelings on his website:

"We had Thursday off and I don't think we'll be training too hard for the rest of the 
week because the pitches at Melwood are also soft. I'm going to take as much rest as 
possible between now and Sunday. I'm going to make sure I have a massage every day and 
that I eat properly. Normally, three days should be enough time for us to be ready for 
United. Hopefully, we'll be in top form when we play them.

Finally, I'd like to point out that I have not been able to reply to my e-mails 
because of some technical problems. I don't want anyone to think I have forgotten them 
or that I don't care. As soon as these problems are sorted out, I'll be in touch."

Technical Problems, yeah right!.Too busy having massages and stuffing
your face you lazy...?

[2] Buy your Red News issue 73 at OT on Sunday
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
Abd help the cause!

You'll be able to get issue 73 of RN - with Gary Bailey interview and great Weakest 
link spoof - before the Liverpool game for £1.50 from sellers on Sir Matt Busby Way. 
It would be rude not to!

[1] The official site loses it...again
Posted Saturday, December 16, 2000 by bar-knee:
Read below very carefully - from the official Utd site...

"The new World Footballer of the Year has joined the chorus of disbelief at David 
Beckham's final ranking in the FIFA poll. Juventus star Zinedine Zidane, who claimed 
the award in Rome last Sunday, said: "I think Beckham should have been higher than 
sixth place. He is a tremendous player and he has contributed so much towards the 
success of Manchester United." Zizou also took the time to again rule out a transfer 
to England."

Zizou?! Please will someone let us know what that is all about or have the official 
guys developed nicknames like 'babykins' and 'rabbitpouch'?

[42] Mark Lawrenson predicts
Posted Friday, December 15, 2000 by bar-knee:
"Here we have a team that attacks from all areas against one that can't defend away 
from home. United have so many different match winners and greater mental strength. I 
can only see one outcome.

Verdict: United win"

[41] England's Number one!
Posted Friday, December 15, 2000 by bar-knee:
Nickey Weaver:   "I played one game with Mansfield in the third division, and I then 
got a full season in the second division with City, which was a brilliant learning 
curve for me. Then I jumped up to the first division. The gap between the second and 
first divisions wasn't that massive, but the jump from first division to the 
Premiership was huge.

You can't come out for the crosses like you can in the first and second divisions, 
because the quality of the crosses is that much better, it makes it a lot more 
difficult to come for them. From the team's point of view, every member of the 
opposition teams seem to be very fast, and they all have great, instant first touch. 
And the movement of the front players is brilliant.

In the Premiership, when a forward gets a chance, nine times out of ten he hits the 
target, and a lot of the time he scores"

(well, against you they do).

"You don't have a great deal of saves to make."

(no, just picking the ball out of the net)

"You might let two or three goals in, and not have much to do for the rest of the 

(quote of the season - what honesty)

"But I think we're improving. Against United in the derby, we let an early goal in and 
in previous games perhaps we would have crumbled, but we didn't. We showed a lot of 
resilience and fighting spirit."

(and still lost...)

[40] Another banner needed
Posted Friday, December 15, 2000 by bar-knee:
The Indy pointed out yesterday (in relation to the Scouse V Roma game coming up) that 
1984 was their last Euro triumph - 17 years in May!

Time for another flag me thinks!

[39] Fulham confident
Posted Friday, December 15, 2000 by bar-knee:
Sean Davis of Fulham said: "When the FA Cup third round game against Manchester United 
does come along we will be looking forward to it. They are the best side in the 
country. The league is our main priority and we have got to play Tranmere, Crewe and 
then a big game against Watford before the cup match next month. But the first 90 
minutes against Liverpool will give us confidence and we will be at home, where we 
knock the ball about and create lots of chances.

I think we did ourselves and the First Division justice in the game at Anfield. I did 
not feel there was any sort of gap between us and them. We held our own for 90 minutes 
and in a league game we would have got an away draw. So taking on United after that 
shouldn't faze us. We are looking forward to it."

Sean, check on Sunday the difference between us and them.

[38] Will he, won't he - Berg joins Blackburn
Posted Friday, December 15, 2000 by bar-knee:
Henning Berg has joined Blackburn in a £1.75 18 month deal with a further one year top 

Blackburn Chief Executive said: "We are delighred to have agreed a deal. To get 
Henning to sign for us is a great boost for us".

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