[19] Healy is the answer
Posted Monday, December 18, 2000 by bar-knee:
Which is what a lot of Reds were thinking yesterday with just Ole up front.

Sammy McIlroy said: "I think the kid has got what it takes if Sir Alex chooses to use 
him. I think everyone knows that he has got the ability - especially Sir Alex, who has 
followed his progress closely. David has done it at international level for me and if 
he can handle that then he can handle the Premier League - especially if he will have 
all those great United players to help him. Nothing fazes him. When I first told him 
he was going to be involved with the senior team he just took it in his stride. Other 
players would have been worried or nervous but he just relished it. He had waited for 
his opportunity and he took it. He's waited for his chance at Manchester United and if 
Sir Alex gives him his chance in these games he will take it."

[18] Scousers give different bus story
Posted Monday, December 18, 2000 by bar-knee:
Press release...

"A group of children were caught up in a police raid against suspected 
football hooligans shortly before yesterday's Premier League clash 
between Liverpool and Manchester United. A coach carrying more than 60 fans from 
Merseyside was intercepted on  its way to Old Trafford by Greater Manchester police 
yesterday  morning.

The force said that its officers, who were acting on a tip-off,  discovered a number 
of weapons on board the vehicle. The supporters, who were ordered off the 
double-decker, allege they  were each subjected to a body search, including children 
as young as 
12. The fans were allowed to continue their journey to Old Trafford, but  were refused 
entry to the stadium by United officials. They returned  home without seeing 
Liverpool's 1-0 win.

Last night, some of the supporters angrily protested that they had  nothing to do with 
the weapons find and maintained they were the  victims of heavy-handed policing. David 
Lloyd, of Dingle, Liverpool, had taken his son, also called  David, to the match as a 
special treat on his 14th birthday. Mr Lloyd said: "The police searched David and made 
him take his shoes  and socks off after we got off the coach. 

"He also had to give his name and address. It was a very frightening 
experience for him.  I spent £40 on the two tickets for the match, plus £10 for the 
coach  fare and we were not even allowed to see the game. I am now going to seek legal 

Bootle man Willie Tierney was also on the coach with his 12-year-old 
son, Liam. He said: "It was very frightening for my son and the other children  on 
board. A lot of them were crying.  The police treated us like animals. I have 
travelled all over Europe  following Liverpool and have never been in trouble. This 
was my worst  experience. I will never go back to Old Trafford."

After being turned away from Old Trafford, the coach was given an  escort by Greater 
Manchester Police officers along the M62 towards  Merseyside. The force said the Old 
Trafford match commander, Chief Superintendent  Alan Hutchings, had evoked police 
powers under the Criminal Justice  and Public Disorder Act to search the coach and its 

In a statement, police said: "Prior to the game, information and 
intelligence was received by GMP that a number of Liverpool fans 
would attend the game in possession of weapons with the intent to 
cause trouble. The police commander exercised his powers under Section 60 of the  
Criminal Justice and Public Disorder Act 1994, issuing the authority  to search people 
attending the game. A double-decker bus carrying  Liverpool fans was stopped and 
searched. A number of weapons were  found on board. Manchester United refused this 
group entry into the  stadium, fearing trouble and risking public safety."

[17] Trouble at United prevented
Posted Monday, December 18, 2000 by bar-knee:
>From MEN

"A 'battle bus' stacked with football hooligans' weapons was intercepted a mile from 
Old Trafford before yesterday's Manchester United - Liverpool clash. About 50 
Liverpool supporters on board the coach were escorted out of Manchester and back down 
the M62. Police found rubber hose coshes, CS gas canisters, craft knife blades, a 
thunderflash and drugs.

It was one of several buses searched in a special operation to prevent violence which 
marred last season's corresponding fixture. There were no arrests because police could 
not establish who brought the weapons aboard. After the game, about 100 seats were 
damaged by Liverpool fans. Today, Chief Supt Alan Hutchings said: "There is a previous 
history between these clubs of known factions causing serious violence and there were 
major problems last year. This time I decided to use Section 60 of the Criminal 
Justice and Public Order Act which allows us to stop and search when there is an 
imminent fear of violence. The power was exercised on a number of buses, but it was 
only on this one that the weaponry was found".

There were only four arrests, none for violence, but police believe their action could 
have prevented serious clashes. Last year, three United fans were slashed across the 

Hope Utd have sent the bill already for the 100 seats.

[16] Which is it then seagulls?
Posted Monday, December 18, 2000 by bar-knee:
Typical tabloid trash. Mirror says first Utd player to be sent off at OT for 32 
months, yet SUN has it as 21 months. Can't even get something that simple right eh 

[15] Opta stats from Sunday
Posted Monday, December 18, 2000 by bar-knee:
Corners Utd 8-2
Offsides Utd 1-4
Fouls conceded 12-10
Goal attempts 7-12

Makes depressing reading for once.

[14] It says it all
Posted Monday, December 18, 2000 by bar-knee:
Once again congratulations to Charlie and the lads who got the new banner spot on 
yesterday at the far right side (looking from K Stand) of Tier 2.

"You're not famous anymore" which turned over at half-time (to loud cheers) to

"10 years and counting"

Best song was "Where were you on Wednesday night" and the crowd seemed well up for it 
for the first part of the first half - unusual for an early kick-off - but as the game 
drifted so did the noise levels.

[13] Stretty Tier 2 warning...
Posted Monday, December 18, 2000 by bar-knee:
>From Dave on the IMUSA list - important to bring to people's attention.

"I had this conversation with a steward at half time yesterday. "You'll be pleased 
today then, apart from the football". He was obviously referring to the whole stand 
being stood up as he has had to ask us (a few of us sit together) to sit down once or 
twice this season. "Got to have a bit of lee-way for these big games" I replied. "They 
are going to pull about 80 seats next week" he then informed me. I took it from 'pull' 
he meant that Season Tickets/LMTB's were going to be confiscated or invalidated. I 
asked him whereabouts this was happening and he told me that it was mainly the lads in 
the middle that would be affected".

[12] Trouble at Mill part 3
Posted Monday, December 18, 2000 by bar-knee:
"More than 30 football hooligans have been arrested after rival fans from Sheffield 
Wednesday and Sheffield United rioted through the streets of the city centre. The 
violence is thought to have been an organised confrontation after the derby match.

Police wearing riot gear used CS gas and batons to disperse the "highly aggressive" 
300-strong crowd, who clashed just hours after their respective sides had drawn 1-1 at 
Sheffield United's Brammall Lane ground.

Running battles between both sets of supporters and police began when a tram carrying 
150 Sheffield Wednesday fans stopped on the city's West Street, where more than 100 
rival supporters had spent the afternoon drinking in local pubs."

[11] Trouble at Mill Part 2
Posted Monday, December 18, 2000 by bar-knee:
"Dozens of rioters have hurled objects at police in Den Bosch, Holland, as violence 
erupted for a second day after the cancellation of a football match. No injuries were 
immediately reported. About 100 rioters threw bricks, concrete blocks and a Molotov 
cocktail at 200 policemen in the city centre, Dutch television said. Crowd-control 
units wielding truncheons and bulletproof shields were out in force.

The violence broke out on Saturday night between rival fans before a match between Den 
Bosch and VVV Venlo. Police shot one man dead and local officials cancelled the match. 
Hooligans set fire to a parked cars and several buildings, including a blood bank on 
Saturday. Several rioters smashed their own automobiles into police cars, Dutch media 
reported. A police officer shot and killed a hooligan when the man allegedly came at 
him with a knife on Saturday, the Dutch national news agency ANP reported. Three 
rioters were arrested and three policeman and a firefighter were lightly injured."

[10] Trouble at Mill, part 1
Posted Monday, December 18, 2000 by bar-knee:
Press release.

"Police have arrested 20 people after football supporters went on the rampage through 
Burnley following the town club's local derby with Blackburn Rovers. Dozens of 
supporters smashed windows and looted several high street stores in the Lancashire 
town centre after losing 2-0 at home. Extra officers had been drafted in for the 
Division One clash which brought the two teams - whose grounds lie 10 miles apart - 
together for the first time in 17 years. Lancashire Police said a group of home 
supporters had left the Turf Moor ground at about 6pm and tried to attack coaches 
carrying Blackburn fans. After being held back by officers, they smashed windows and 
looted shops and offices, including Boots and Next on Yorkshire Street, Burnley."

[9] Wenger tries more mind games
Posted Monday, December 18, 2000 by bar-knee:
"For me, the most important thing is the Premiership - much more so 
than the Champions League, I have been happy with our League form, but we need to keep 
being  exceptional.  Manchester United are six points clear and at one stage it looked 
 like they were going to dominate like they did last season.  But things can turn 
around very quickly. The bottom line is that we  can't mess up and have to hope that 
United drop some points."

[8] Fabien in live web chat
Posted Monday, December 18, 2000 by bar-knee:
"Hello! I'm a french supporter of Fabien Barthez and I just got a mail about a live 
chat with him. It will be on the website www.canalchat.com on Wednesday, the 20th of 
December at 6 pm GMT. I'am sure you will be interested. At least, I hope so!
Cassagnes, French supporter"

[7] IMUSA monthly fanzine contribution
Posted Monday, December 18, 2000 by bar-knee:
IMUSA are putting together a petition of supporters as part of a campaign on a Season 
Ticket freeze for next season.

The petition was born out of a wish for IMUSA to return to its roots and fight for 
what we see is a core issue. The Taylor report explicitly said that the conversion to 
all-seater stadia should not be seen as an excuse for clubs to raise ticket prices, 
which will inevitably price people out of going to watch, yet this is exactly what has 
happened, and shows no signs of stopping. The Task Force also asked for fairer range 
of ticket prices, yet what happens, the only people not to be affected by price hikes 
for this season were the Execs and box holders!

IMUSA Chair Mark Longden says:

 "Whilst everyone from the Government, the Football Task Force and the Taylor Report 
said that tickets prices should not go up, they continue to do so. More and more fans 
are seriously questioning whether they can still afford to go. Now is the time to say 
enough is enough."

IMUSA member Paul Rushton, a web designer, offered his services and the result can be 
seen at:

(link:http://www.imusa.org/petition/index.htm) http://www.imusa.org/petition/index.htm

You can also 'sign' the petition on-line at this address, if you can please do so.

The board meeting to decide ticket prices for next season takes place in February, so 
we do not have much time to lose. Information on where and when a paper version can be 
signed for those without web access will be announced shortly, hopefully it will be 
doing the rounds at the pre-match boozers.

The next IMUSA newsletter will be dropping through your door towards the end of 
January.  We have had major difficulties with the membership database this year 
(Millennium Bug DID strike somewhere).  Should you not receive a newsletter by the end 
of January then please let us know by contacting us at the usual address.  

This newsletter will contain details of the Standing Order system we are introducing 
to ease the pain of renewing - IMUSA membership not Season Tickets (though if we're 
able to introduce such a scheme...).

The third Fans' Forum meets in February.  The main item on the agenda is Atmosphere.  
As with ticketing (discussed in November) IMUSA intends submitting a recommendations 
document.  We will be discussing a draft of that document at the January meeting.  The 
importance of the Fans' Forum cannot be stressed enough and we urge all members to 
attend the January meeting and give their views so we can ensure the document fully 
reflects the members' views.  Note that you can join IMUSA on the night.  

If you are unable to attend then please put forward your views in writing to either 
the PO Box or the Web Site/Discussion Group.  

Merry Christmas.

Forthcoming Meetings
(Apologies to those who missed the cancellation announcement in November)

Thursday January 11
Thursday February 8

Start Time 8pm - All Members Welcome.  
O'Brien's Stretford Arndale, Manchester

To join IMUSA, please send a cheque/PO for £5 (Overseas £10) to IMUSA, PO Box 69, 
Manchester, M32 0UZ. 

[6] Red News looks forward
Posted Monday, December 18, 2000 by bar-knee:
RN Editorial: However galling and gutting the result was yesterday we have to just put 
it behind us as Fergie says. It was just one of those games where nothing seemed to go 
right - and when there is always one or two games where your best players all 
collectively have their worst games - as shown by the wayward passing and movement 
yesterday against a Scouse side who set their stall out to do a job on us, you know 
that it was going to be one of those games. It was disappointing not to see Healy on 
the bench, at least, as the striking set-up looked off balance - good points were 
Chadwick before the Sheep did his work on him and Silvestre improving once again. It's 
a bad Monday because it was them - but if a decade ago we return to the old chestnut 
of losing 6+ games a season at home rather than two years without a defeat at Old 
Trafford - you'd have to take it. Let them now celebrate their one major victory all 
season - however much the blues abound around Red places today, we!
 know the greater glory comes now from one match, but the wider picture.

[5] Fergie looks forward
Posted Monday, December 18, 2000 by bar-knee:
"We're not even at the halfway stage and I always think that January 1 is the 
important date. We have a game against West Ham on January 1 and after then you are 
able to see the shape of the league I think. I think that the Christmas period is 
always a tough time. We've eight games in December and one on the first of January, 
which is nine within a month really. So it's a difficult spell really for the players. 
But we've got the squad to cope and they're all looking forward to it. There's a good 
environment here and the team spirit is marvellous."

[4] Clousseau on the East Lancs Road gap
Posted Monday, December 18, 2000 by bar-knee:
Houllier: "If I said today we are at the level of Manchester United, you would say 
'does he know anything about football?'. I know what my team is worth at the moment 
and I know where they are going. It doesn't mean just because we've beaten them that 
we are now the same as them. There's quite a gap between the two sides and this team 
does not have the maturity and the composure of our opponents. The difference is they 
have got more experience and more maturity and they are well on their way. We're just 
on our way and it takes time to build these things up."

[3] Fergie on Sheringham injury
Posted Monday, December 18, 2000 by bar-knee:
"Sheringham got it in training during the week, which is bad timing really, and a 
hamstring is three weeks. I don't think I've ever had so many strikers out before. 
It's just one of these things, and that's why you have a pool of players. Certainly 
the presence of Yorke, Cole and Sheringham is massive - and I think presence can be 
important in big games. We tried to play Scholes in there, but I think Scholes is 
better coming from behind the game. He sees things in front of him. Then we tried Ryan 
Giggs through, but I don't think it mattered a lot."

[2] Publish and be damned!
Posted Monday, December 18, 2000 by bar-knee:
We always want reader interaction (especially with any babes out there!) on this site 
so we appreciate Josh sending this in and putting us right about Dwight's 
international player, Russell Latapy. This is your site and we always appreciate your 
views and comments.

"Hello there, I have recently visited your site and I must say that I am fairly 
impressed with the amount of news that you have accumulated. I must also say that 
agree with you about Wanchope being the 22nd best player in the world but I must 
disagree with you in the case of Russell Latapy. He plays for Hibernian and is the 
captain of the Trinidad & Tobago national team which is ranked 30th in the world. 
After a few months with Hibernian in the Scottish First Division he helped them gain 
promotion and was named Footballer of the year by the club and by the league. He is 
already acclaimed as a legend of Hibernian I am sure you have not seen him play for 
club or country and if you have you should look at him some more and see what a class 
player he is. Try publishing that as news on your site!"

And here it is!

[1] Sunderland ticket details
Posted Monday, December 18, 2000 by bar-knee:
Sunderland v Manchester United Stadium of Light, Tuesday 30th January, Kick off 7.45pm

We have received an allocation of approximately 3000 tickets priced £23 adults £17 
under 16's/over 65's. Postal applications are now being accepted from Season Ticket 
Holders on production of voucher 33 (duly completed), letter of application, open 
cheque (made payable to MUFC), sae and the following 4 match vouchers properly affixed 
to the official token sheet: 31 (RSC Anderlecht) 32 (PSV Eindhoven) 33 (Dynamo Kiev) 
34 (Panathinaikos).

Private Box/Exec Suite and Club Class Members can also apply in the usual manner 
quoting their facilities held.

All applications need to be received in the Ticket Office no later than 3p.m. on 
Saturday 23rd December. As we anticipate being oversubscribed a postal ballot will be 
held to determine the successful applicants.

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