[28] Big Brother is watching us
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Monica Brady on the IMUSA list

I have received a phone call from Paddy Harverson this lunchtime 
(Monday 9th April). He told me that the club are putting cameras up in areas where 
persistent standing occurs to study the dynamics of what happens, ie where the 
standing starts, how it spreads etc. He assured me that these  cameras will NOT be 
used to identify individuals, and no sanctions will be  taken against anyone as a 
result of the footage taken by these cameras. The  club hope to have the cameras 
installed for the Charlton game and for the  rest of this season.

[27] Latest transfer gossip
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Marc

According to the Indie we are leading the race for the 8 M £ rated Auxerre  french 
striker Djibril Cissé, 19. He was watched by Martin Ferguson playing  for club and U20 
France team and we are apparently preparing a bid. They also  claim that Guy Roux, 
Auxerre general manager, was Fergie's guest for the  Munich game.

Cissé has been a regular in Auxerre first team for 3 only months but he has  already 
scored a dozen of goals. He is an exceptionnal player, France's next  best thing in 
attack.  For many he is the fastest french player, extremely skilful and very good in  
front of goal. His reputation is better than Henry, Anelka or Kanoute's at  the same 
Guy Roux would be reluctant to let the player go so soon but a good offer may  tempt 
him. And with Mexès also on Fergie shopping list, a double Auxerre arrival is possible.

[26] And Nicky Weaver said
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I wasn't too hot at maths at school, but I know enough to be sure 
that we are not down yet. We will probably have to win four of our last six games, but 
 Bradford did something similar last season and when the gaffer was at  Oldham they 
won three in a week to survive, so it is not impossible.Of course we feel miserable 
because I don't think we deserved to  lose at Everton. It is probably the best we have 
played for ages and  yet we have got nothing out of it. It is hard to take."

Maths, goalkeeping - wonder when he will find out what he's good at?

[25] Joe Royle thinks he's a miracle worker
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I thought we were terrific in the first-half. We were enterprising, 
open, passed it well, made and missed chances and then produced a 
couple of elementary mistakes which cost us goals. Unfortunately in the second half we 
never quite got to it, I will  admit that. But first half we were outstanding. In many 
ways it was  the best we had played for a long time. It was forty-five minutes rich in 
promise, yet we came in 2-1 down  and that just about sums the season up. We continue 
to shoot ourselves in the foot, but while survival is  mathematically available to us 
we will go for it."

[24] Another quote of the day
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"When we turned up in those white suits, everyone thought we were the 
band" - 

Liverpool skipper Robbie Fowler relives Liverpool's fashion  faux-pas at the 1996 cup 
final in the Sunday Mirror. 

[23] Latest Birdman article
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Birdy's Bacon Barm NO 16 (9 APR 2001)
sponsored by www.homestead.com/birdland1

Free copies to Vas ov www.m-u-f-c.co.uk & Barney ov www.rednews.co.uk


This Barm is dedicated to J.D. Wetherspoon - nuff said.
Theres loads of these retro programmes on tele at the mo that look back to the 80's 
and even last night I watched one about 1991. Now its fine by me - you sit there 
thinking "ermmm what was I up to in this particular year then". And in the case of 
1991 I was single, always out in town in Richfields, off out to United away games - 
things have changed a lot for me now - I am married, mortgage, two pan lids blah blah. 
So these programmes work for people of my age. But image Gladys or Mabel who are say 
85 or summat. Now 1991 means sod all to them - they aren't sat there are they saying 
"aye 1991 - things were different then - oh them were the days". No they are not - sod 
all has changed for them in 10 years and sod all will in the next. Frightening init! 
Anyway while we are on the retro theme .....12 - "that seems ages
        Marco, Merick, Terry Lee, Gary Tibs and yours truly,  Snake Belts, Slush 
Puppies, Power cuts, Damon & Debbie, Punks & mods, 3 channels on tele, Happy Days & 
The Fonze, Alan Bradley, 2 points for a win, Monkey Boots, Raleigh Bomber.
        lemon curd (especially in rice pudding), tongue, prunes, braising
steak, rhubarb, liver, semolina, kidney, sugar butties or banana butties, spotted 
dick, lard, drippin
        Mustn't grumble, Wireless, Are you courting ? Picture House, Rip
raps, Ham shank (without laughing)! Oh I love Cliff Richard, Kids today eh! ,Chip Oil, 
Rum and Coke Please.
A few years back I was in a certain Salford pub and I get the ales in for me, the wife 
and her mate. Now I hands over a fiver - but stone me I clock the woman behind the bar 
handing me back various notes. Now casually as fcuk I sticks the cash in me bin and 
goes and sits down. Now grinning like a deranged fool I check the contents of me sky 
rocket which reveals 30 pound odd. I worked out that she must have given me change 
from a twenty pound note AND then mistakenly given me a twenty instead of a fiver. 
Right result or what. I ended up having a few more Stellas, chippy on the way home and 
still had more wonga on me than when I left the house. Why cant nights out always be 
like that?
Someone once said to me "everyone is good at something - its just finding out what you 
are good at". Now I sat there thinking and eventually realised the one sole thing that 
I am any good at. The answer came back "table football"... or is it bar football? 
Anyway I got a table football for Christmas in 1975 and I recon all the practise I put 
in then has paid off - I like to think I am pretty good at it. Sad aint it that this 
is my only talent but there you go. Now apart from personal satisfaction of hammering 
my mates at this game every now and then - oh and taking on all comers in the Peverill 
a few years back - I haven't exactly made a career out of it. However you can keep it 
for me cos Christmas 1994 I was glad I was good at table football - very glad in fact. 
We, via a few beers in town, ended up in
the White Swan in Swinton on the old nuts and bolts. Now as it turns out theres a 
table football in there so one of the lads (Tag) suggests a derby game of doubles. He 
opts to be on my team and searches out a partner to double up with Gabs (whos a blue). 
Now imagine the coincidence when only 5 balls drop out of the machine instead of the 
usual 9 or 11. Now this was a coincidence - but when they (siddy) went two nil up even 
I was spooked out when we stormed back and won 3-2 a la Maine Road. Surely we couldn't 
follow it up with a 5 niller ! Yep ... we sure as hell did. 3-2 and 5-0 - class - you 
just couldn't make it up.
This is a plea for help - a very very long shot plea for help but its worth a try. In 
1984 we had a school trip to Colwyn Bay and my mate Boyno had his most treasured 
possession - his Blue Kappa trackie bottoms stolen. Now it wasnt me(sounding like 
shaggy!) and I think we all are sure that a lad called Squid nicked em - but it 
remains a 17 year mystery. Now Boyno, or TB as he likes to be called has never got 
over this and if anyone out there has a pair - light blue that you could let me have 
I'd be very grateful.
On the rolling banks of the James River (Richmond - Virginia - U, S of A) stands a 
remarkable Tudor estate. And by Tudor, we're not simply referring to an architectural 
style. This manor house was actually built in Lancashire, England in the late 15th 
For hundreds of years, Agecroft Hall was the distinguished home of England's Langley 
and Dauntesey families. At the end of the 19th century, however, Agecroft fell into 
disrepair, and in 1925 it was sold at auction. Hearing of this tremendous opportunity, 
Richmonder Thomas C. Williams, Jr. purchased the structure, and had it dismantled, 
crated, and shipped across the Atlantic, and then painstakingly reassembled in a 
Richmond neighborhood known as Windsor Farms. Today, Agecroft Hall stands beautifully 
re-created, in a setting reminiscent of its original site on Lancashire's Irwell River.
Video of the week - Billy Elliot is out - so go get on this one - good film and some 
good music in it too.
Tunes of the week are - Up The Junction by Squeeze and Can You Dig It by The Mock 

Websites of the week - www.claimsdirect.com - get emailing em now to see how Declan 
Swan and Carl Scaiffe are getting on with their recover.

Anyway - thats me stuffed - where them Rennies gone ? (oh and always read the label)
Que the credits.
Like Paul Weller says in A Town Called Malice "I could go on for hours and I probably 
will but" Defoe - laters.

[22] Bayern draw
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
At the weekend, a 1-1 draw at Dortmund. They are still top but had Effenberg and 
Lizarazu sent off . The key point is that Bayern have lost 8 times in the league this 
season - they can be beaten.

[21] Latest team news
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Jaap Stam and Nicky Butt are expected to shrug off minor injuries to be available for 
Manchester United's home match against Charlton. Stam suffered a slight groin injury 
against Bayern Munich last week, while Butt also picked up a knock. Sir Alex Ferguson 
expects both to recover to provide him with a full strength squad for the visit of 
Alan Curbishley's side to Old Trafford. Victory against Charlton will leave United 
needing just six more points to guarantee their seventh Premier League title in nine 

[20] First false passport punishment
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:

'Fifa have banned an Argentinian player from all matches until June 6 for playing with 
a false passport. Fifa say they have extended a ban on Hector Diego Garay to worldwide 
level. The move follows a request to Fifa by the French Football Federation.

The Federation had slapped a three-month suspension on Garay for using a fake Italian 
passport while with Strasbourg last season in order to circumvent limits on the number 
of players from non-European Union countries eligible to play for French professional 
teams. Garay now plays in Argentina for Talleres Cordoba. Four other players in France 
also received suspensions for using false papers. Uefa says it wants to clamp down on 
clubs fielding players with false passports.'

[19] PSV want us to sort out Ruud deal
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
PSV Eindhoven coach Eric Gerets said:

"Sir Alex Ferguson knows I'm in a very difficult position. I would like a result of 
this situation as soon as possible. If Ruud stays with us for next season I will be as 
happy as a young lad of 12. If he has to go away I hope there will be a solution in 
two to three weeks because otherwise it will be difficult for me as coach of PSV. 
Because I respect Sir Alex Ferguson very much, I know he'll want to help me with my 

>From PA:

'Although he did not score, van Nistelrooy played well enough in PSV's victory over 
Ajax to suggest he is back to full fitness, if still lacking the sharpness that caught 
Ferguson's eye initially.

Ruud said: "It is nice that Sir Alex Ferguson has come to watch a Dutch game. My 
fitness is fine.".

[18] And who are you?
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Germany defender Paul Breitner. Who? Exactly.

"You need a short passing game as well to make your mark in the  middle. I am not sure 
David Beckham has that and we may never know because the  time to try and change his 
style may well have passed.  Beckham has not developed at all over the past two or 
three years. I  know people in England regard him as world class, but that is  
probably because a lot of Englishmen admire his ability to marry a  Spice Girl."

[17] Gary Lineker tips Martin O'Neill for Fergie's job
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Ferguson will be a tough act, if not an impossible  one, to follow, just as O'Neill 
is proving to be for Peter Taylor at  Filbert Street. But if anybody has the ability 
and personality to  hold it all together at Old Trafford it's O'Neill. United have  to 
make the biggest decision of their history. Do they go for  continuity and the 
promising, but hugely inexperienced, McClaren or  do they go back to Scotland for the 
best? To my way of thinking it  has to be O'Neill.  His priority for next season must 
be a successful Champions League 
campaign. After that, the temptation to move to United, should they  come calling, 
would be enormous."

[16] Eric Cantona will see United play!
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Eric is apparently in town to attend a show at the Bridgewater Hall today and  he will 
also be at OT for Charlton

[15] Dacourt in his spat with Viera
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Marc

from OneFootball : during an interview with French television station 
Telefoot on Sunday, the former Lens player revealed the truth. "His action was a 
deliberate one," said Dacourt. "But if I hadn't written that letter he  could have 
been suspended for eight matches and fined £60,000." 
more : Dacourt also added, this is probably the most interesting : "He called  me 
everyday to know if I had sent the letter".  

[14] Gary Nev confident
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
"We feel that we can be in a position when we go to Germany where, if 
we win the game, we can put pressure on them because we've got a good 

[13] Charlton charging less than us for live beam back
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Following our story at the weekend about the charge for beaming back the coverage of 
our Boro game back to OT and Utd's response to IMUSA and the £8 United are charging 
for beam back tickets where they  implied it was not a profit making exercise it now 
seems Charlton can do it for our match (in that cheap  little London town) for only £5 
and £3.

Tickets are selling well for the beam-back of Tuesday's game at 
Manchester United.

Attendance is limited to 4,800 fans and crowd noise from Old Trafford 
will be allowed, but no amplified commentary.

Seats, price £5 adults and £3 juniors, will be available from 10am-
6pm on Monday and from 10am until kick-off on Tuesday, subject to 
availability. A special issue of the Valley Review will be published, 
price £1. Matchday parking controls will not be in operation, but 
fans are urged not to park inconsiderately in surrounding streets.'

[12] Fergie & Cole do their bit
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From PA:

'Sir Alex Ferguson and Andy Cole are helping launch a £220 million 
Government programme designed to combat drug abuse. The cash will be spent on high 
visibility policing of drug  blackspots, extra community wardens, additional CCTV 
cameras and anti- truancy projects.

Chancellor Gordon Brown and Cabinet Office minister Ian McCartney 
will be teaming up with the Manchester United manager to launch a £5 
million scheme. Sir Alex Ferguson, England star Cole and former Great Britain rugby  
league winger Martin Offiah will give their support to the Positive  Futures Campaign.'

[11] Story of the weekend
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Thanks to Paul for this:

'Top Marks this week go to the government agency in Scunthorpe who updated their email 
system to use a filter which filtered out any emails containing profanity or obscene 
language of any kind.  All was fine, til they realised that no-one whatsoever had got 
ANY emails
during the whole week since they installed the software... They checked through 
everything and couldn't find a problem... until one bright spark pointed out that all 
their email addresses, [EMAIL PROTECTED] contained the word 'c**t!' 

[10] Excuse of the year?
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Nicky Weaver on Everton's third goal:

"I expected the ball to nounce, but it hit a puddle and went under me" I don't know 
what I could have done".

Er, saved the ball seeming the most obvious answer.

[9] Weekend tabloid gossip in full
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Today's SUN says that Becks has invested £1m in film production company Genius Film 
Partners, which itself invests only in British films.

Other titbits:

Paul Scholes will be the next player to sign a new deal, worth £11.7 over 5 years, 
leaving Becks to sort his out in the summer.

Becks has also signed a new deal to wear Adidas boots, worth £3m - a four year deal 
even though he had 4 years left of his current deal.

NOW reported that Soton wanted McClaren as their new boss. Some hope.

And silly story of the weekend goes to NOW for reporting that Fergie is apparently 
spending £300,000 on renovations at his £750,000 home in Wilmslow "turning his 
mock-tudor Mansion into a fortress to keep out unwanted visitors...will keep out 
intruders with a 7ft garden wall and railings plus remote-control gates".

[8] More Ruud speculation
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
That classic journo approach of 'a friend/source/mate' said...

'A Manchester United source told the Sunday People: "We understand Alex will be going 
to see the game, but has no plans to speak to Ruud or PSV. If any talks are planned 
they will be left to chief executive Peter Kenyon and finance director David Gill who 
usually conduct negotiations like that. At this stage the manager is making a final 
assessment as to whether to go ahead with a deal or not."

[7] Ruud just concentrates on PSV
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Van Nistelrooy said: "We are close to winning the title. Nothing is more important at 
the moment than PSV. I wouldn't have minded anyway (Fergie being at the game 
yesterday). I have no urge to have contact with another club yet. No, Ferguson didn't 
try to contact me either. I have nothing to demand anyway, because I am still under 

But apparently still keen as ever to sign for United.

[6] Hate to say it...
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
But perhaps watching a good atmosphere at OT yesterday the idea might be to increase 
the away capacity!

[5] Eric at Old Trafford
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Only high point with Cup results yesterday (Arse won 2-1, Scousers by the same) going 
the other way to our wishes was the Sky cameras showing The King, Eric Cantona, back 
home in the stands at Old Trafford.

Spotted by a few Reds milling around before kick-off, just what was Eric doing back at 
Old Trafford. Whatever, shame he had to put up with that Cockernee crap instead of 
seeing his United.

[4] Remember, get your latest Red News tomorrow
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Red News, No.76 - just £1.50 and available before the Charlton game on Tuesday. Buying 
it helps the mag and this web site - I can feel a beg coming on - oh please buy it!

Also the deadline for the final issue of Red News of the season looms ever closer in 
the distance. We'd love any contributions you may have and we're particularly looking 

Moments of the season (any special/memorable on/off the field events from this season 
that stand alone in the old fading memory banks)

Rotterdam memories for a feature celebrating the ECWC triumph a decade ago

Dog & Patridge memories - for a feature on that great pub that is closing this month 
(two more games to go in fact)

and anything else you may have up your sleeve.

The deadline for any or all of the above is Monday 23rd April - we'd really appreciate 
any e.mail contributions to

[3] Joke of the weekend
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Step forward and Joe Royle said.

For firstly saying he thought about dropping Nicky Weaver and then backing him (like 
he had a choice) and then saying he was "man of the match after the 3-1 defeat at 
Everton yesterday. Let's get this right - a penalty given away and a Jim Lieghtonish 
cock-up for the third that would have Taibi and Paddy Roche reaching for the phone to 
explain what happens next.

4 points behind Boro having played one game more, city now face the very realy 
possibility (if they lose to Arse on Wednesday and Leicester at the weekend) that if 
we win all our games and they lose theirs, that we will win the title and they will be 
relegated on the same day. Which day? Derby day day. Poetic justice you may call it.

[2] Faux Pas of the year?
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Goes to Amanda Byram (who, exactly and even more of a 'who?' once you read this), one 
of the co-presenters of the ailing Big Breakfast for apparently going up to Keano last 
Tuesday in the players lounge and saying: "I don't even know who you are".

She goes out with United 'celebrity fan', Patrick Kielty.

[1] Golfer loves Fergie
Posted Monday, April 9, 2001 by bar-knee:
Ryder Cup captain Sam Torrance:

"The captaincy is a one-off job these days so this is my only chance and I want a 
victory. That's why I contacted Alex Ferguson for advice. I am a Manchester United fan 
and Alex seems to get it just right. I wanted to know what makes United work as a 
team. Alex gave me some confidential pointers, things that I would never have thought 
about myself and that was a great help"

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