[21] Fegie on the lack of Asians in top flight football
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by tb:
>From the MEN:

SIR Alex Ferguson today launched a fierce attack on football clubs for excluding Asian 
youngsters from the sport.
The Manchester United boss said it was a scandal that only one Asian professional was 
currently playing at league level.

Sir Alex spoke out as United players, including David Beckham, Ryan Giggs and Andy 
Cole, took a stand against racism before today’s home match against Coventry 

Sir Alex added: ‘‘There is one Asian footballer in England. That’s a 
scandal. Why? Because they feel excluded.

‘‘Ask clubs such as Walsall or Bury where the best teenage footballers are 
in their areas. They’ll say the Asian kids who play in the streets and develop 
close control. Get them in, make them feel welcome.’’

Sir Alex’s plea came as United, which does not have any Asian players in its 
line up, today displayed anti-racism posters and banners at Old Trafford as as part of 
a nationwide ‘‘Kick Racism Out of Football’’ campaign.

England captain David Beckham said racism was still in the game and had to be snuffed 
out. Andy Cole also urged fans to challenge racists in the crowd.

Ryan Giggs also urged children from ethnic minorities to seek help if they were the 
victims of abuse.

[20] Ole on the 'tag'
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by tb:
‘‘There is always competition for places at the best four or five clubs in 
every country now. I don’t think any top side anywhere now has just 11 players 
playing every week,’’ says the Norwegian.

‘‘As a club, we want to play in the league, the FA Cup and Europe every 
season so with that many games you have to accept you are not going to play in every 

‘‘But I don’t want to be known as a good substitute. I want to play 
from the start. Everyone wants to do that, obviously. But you have to get on with it. 
It is no use feeling sorry for yourself. There are 25 players here capable of playing 
in the first team. You have to accept the manager’s decision because he is the 

‘‘I have shown over the years my loyalty and my patience. However, the 
manager is always right. He picks the team who he thinks will win games so I would 
never complain about any of his decisions because of his record.’’

‘‘I don’t count my goals because I think I have added more to my 
game this season,’’ Ole added.

‘‘This season, I have created goals and chances for other players which is 
as pleasing.’’

[19] A jealous scouse ginger on Ole
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by tb:
As Fairclough feels the need to give his opinion (not that we need it)

>From the MEN:

‘‘Solskjaer is the most effective sub around these days, there is no doubt 
about that,".

‘‘But it is cruel for anyone to say that he’s better doing that than 
starting matches. I wouldn’t say he is better at one rather than the other. 
That’s an unfair debate and for me, Ole is a class international goalscorer in 
his own right whether he starts or comes off the bench, there’s no denying that. 
He’s fantastic the way he comes on to rescue things.’’

‘‘Ole will never rid himself of the label,’’ David goes on. 
‘‘People have this image of you and you get pigeon-holed. Solskjaer has 
said he hates the tag and I said it in my day. 

‘‘But asking people not to call you that is the worst thing you can do. I 
didn’t enjoy it at the time but it won’t go away and it is best to forget 
it and get on with your game. 

‘‘Once you finish, you appreciate it more. I was grateful to Sir Alex 
Ferguson for bringing it up again the other night!

‘‘There is a tendency for managers to take liberties with players like I 
was and Ole is. Bob Paisley admitted a few times to me in my early days that putting 
me on the bench allowed him to change things. He said it was no use asking someone 
like John Toshack, for instance, to come off the bench because he wasn’t that 
type of player.

‘‘It’s arguably the same at United. Andy Cole and Dwight Yorke 
probably won’t give you the same late impact as Solskjaer does.

‘‘You have to make it work for you. However, there came a time with me 
when I was just treading water. I came on against United in the 1983 Milk Cup final at 
Wembley and I realised after that I was no further ahead than I was six years previous.

‘‘I was flogging a dead horse and it was best to get away from Anfield. 
But Solskjaer isn’t flogging a dead horse. In my day I could go elsewhere and 
probably play in other teams from the start. But in the modern game everybody has more 
than two first choice strikers. Every top team is rotating their players.

‘‘Solskjaer has nothing to gain by going elsewhere. The top clubs in 
England like Liverpool, Arsenal, Leeds and Chelsea all do the same. He’s best to 
stick where he is.’’

God, someone switch off that microphone!

[18] Fergie slags off the Denis doom merchants
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by tb:
>From the MEN:

''It was absolutely scandalous to suggest he'd played his last game for United,'' says 

''I was absolutely appalled. How do you think Denis and his family felt when they read 
headlines like that? He's twisted the knee but it is not serious and he'll only be out 
for 10 days to a fortnight.

''As far as I am concerned, I want him to stay at the club for another year. The club 
will be talking to him about a new contract. There is no problem over that, these 
things just take time.

''We've got a lot of deals to get through and it is just a case of ticking them off 
one by one.''

''Denis isn't going to play every game but he'll give you 30 good quality matches a 
season,'' Ferguson adds.

''He's top drawer. He's fantastic and has never lost his appetite. He might not be as 
quick as he was five years ago, but who is? That's only natural but even though he'll 
be 36 next birthday in October he's still as fit as a flea. I certainly want him to 

[17] Keano looks forward to Wednesday
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by tb:
"We're determined to put the performance of two weeks ago against Bayern Munich behind 
us and go there and hopefully win the match."

And on today:

"The goals we lost were disappointing, but the goals we scored is a plus point because 
we haven't been doing that in recent weeks."

[16] Fergie on the title
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by tb:
>From the official site:

"The achievement of winning three in a row is fantastic," 

"The players have shown phenomenal consistency over the season and we showed today 
that we always try to win our games.

"This is a great tribute to them and when you win the Championship, it is a fantastic 
feeling because it is the true test of the best team in the country and we have proved 
that over the years.

"The attitude of the players throughout the season has been brilliant, absolutely 
phenomenal. Now we've got a big game on Wednesday and I hope this is going to give us 
the confidence to get the right result for the country."

[15] A fat person speaks
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by tb:
I remember players like Hartson from teams I played with - look good to begin with, 
score a couple of goals and then, due to being totally unfit, jog around for the rest 
of the game having convinced themselves that they didn't have to do any more.

Still, bolloxs to him we're champions!

Anyway his verdict on today:

"There is only so much defending you can do. 

"It was like the Alamo in the second half. We were disappointed with the two goals we 
gave away in the first half. We couldn't do much with the third and fourth. 

"Our keeper kept us in it for long periods but class told in the end. 

"United have world class players. We have good players but you can't cope with all 
that pressure. 

"We work hard in training but you can't gift United goals. You know they are going to 
score good goals anyway. 

"We have no excuses. The better team by a mile won today. 

"We have to pick ourselves up very quickly but we can take a lot of pride out of 
today's performance. 

"We are up for every game. We will keep going - it's going to be a dogfight." 

[14] Fergie's roll of honour
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by tb:
Thanks to PA

The championship is Ferguson's 14th major honour since coming south of the border and 
makes him the most successful manager in English football. In total he has won seven 
championships, one European Cup, four FA Cups, one League Cup and one European Cup 
Winners' Cup.

Ferguson had been level with Liverpool's legendary former manager Bob Paisley who won 
13 trophies during his nine-year reign.

Only Huddersfield, Arsenal, Liverpool and now United have won three successive 

The championship is Ferguson's seventh and he has won more titles than any other 

In total United have now won 14 titles. They are second in the all-time list, just 
behind Liverpool.

United have also equalled Liverpool's record sequence of seven championships in nine 
years achieved between 1976 and 1984.

And Fergie is the first to win 3 on the trot

[13] Fergie on Coventry
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by tb:
"They had a go at us because they knew that was the best way to play, and it's a great 
credit to them.

"I expected them to have a go and they proved a real threat to us."

[12] Champions!
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by tb:
Thanks to Capt Marvel (with a bit of help from a couple of gooner own goals!) We are 
champions again!

More reaction as we get it!


[11] Statto alert!
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by tb:
League games V Coventry in total

Played    73
Man Utd   38
Coventry  19
Drawn     16

And at OT

Played    36
Man Utd   22
Coventry   6
Drawn      8

And this season

32 Games 32 
70 Goals scored 31 
2.19 Ave goals per game 0.97 
44% Shooting Accuracy 39% 
15% Goals to shots % 9% 

16094 Passes 10255 
79% Pass completion % 62% 

75% Tackle success rate % 77% 
22 Goals conceded 52 
0.69 Ave goals conceded per game 1.63
370 Fouls 450 
36 Yellow cards 57 
2 Red cards 4 

Ref - Mike Riley

[10] But Fergie also slates other coucils
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by tb:
"It's a matter for individual councils to deal with but I am disappointed by it. I was 
at Manchester City for the game against Arsenal on Wednesday and their fans were 
standing up for the whole game. We're not being treated the same as other clubs but 
when were we ever treated the same as everyone else. What I would say is that this 
will spread to other clubs if they don't take notice of what has happened here." 

[9] Fergie on losing seats
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by tb:
"We were warned about it and I suppose you have to say the fans have let themselves 
down. There was a clear message they couldn't afford to stand up. It's disappointing 
for the team but the club and the supporters were warned about it enough times."

[8] Keano - Fergie my greatest influence
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by tb:
"People are always asking me who has been the biggest influence on my career and, 
without a shadow of a doubt, it has been Alex Ferguson. The advice he's given and the 
way he's looked after me, especially when things haven't gone that well, have been 
great. That's the sign of a good manager. I'm talking about my bad injury, while I 
also had one or two off-the-field problems when I first came to Manchester."

"I got involved in one or two scrapes and stuff I'm not proud of. I then had my bad 
injury, but everyone at the club stuck by me and I hope I can repay them over the next 
few years. I know the manager could have got rid of me over a few of the incidents and 
I feel honoured that he stuck with me."

[7] BBC weather for Munich next week
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
5-Day Forecast - it's not going to be warm, t-shirt weather like Porto!                
Temperature (°C / °F)    
Sat Max: 6 / 42 Min: 1 / 33    
Sun Max: 6 / 42 Min: 5 / 41    
Mon Max: 7 / 44 Min: 5 / 41    
Tue Max: 8 / 46 Min: 4 / 39    
Wed Max: 12 / 53 Min: 6 / 42  
Sunrise (GMT)    4:28    4:26    4:24    4:23    4:21  
Sunset (GMT)    18:00    18:02    18:03    18:05    18:06 

[6] MEN on Trafford Borough Council farce
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Even though I sit in K the smell of fish continues a day late as how can they just 
pick on the West Stand when K stood as well - is it because TBC is ONLY massively 
concerned with the Fanzone. The answer is simple - move it down and put the prawn 
brigade upstairs. They won't even clap let alone stand...

MEN report:

"UNITED fans have attacked a council decision to close part of Old Trafford if their 
team win a place in the European Cup semi-finals. 

But town hall chiefs insist supporters left them with no choice after breaking safety 
rules by standing. As reported in later editions of yesterday's M.E.N. Trafford 
council has decided to shut an area within
the West Stand upper section if United beat Bayern Munich in the quarter-finals.

A decision on the number of seats affected will be taken within a week, but the M.E.N. 
understands it is likely to be less than 1,000 - at the front of the stand.

Mark Longden, chairman of the Independent Manchester United Supporter Association, 
said: ''It's absolutely ridiculous and will be a logistical nightmare. I can see fans 
whose seats are taken away suing the council over this.  They are tackling the 
symptoms but not curing the problem. This will do nothing to stop fans standing.'' 

United's remaining league games will be unaffected, but the council is warning that 
full sections of the ground could be closed next season if the problem persists.

The council's report on the problem over standing initially recommended there should 
be no closures because fans heeded pleas from Sir Alex Ferguson to remain seated. But 
officers changed their view when they saw fans standing during the Reds' defeat to 
Bayern Munich in the first leg of the tie.

The council, in partnership with United, is also planning a tough new action plan to 
combat standing.

United's Director of Communications, Patrick Harverson said yesterday: ''We have not 
received formal notification from the council so it would be inappropriate to 

[5] Houllier takes yesterday's defeat well
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Losing Steven was too much for us to cope with. I thought the decision was very 
harsh. It was not malicious or dangerous with any intent to harm the player. Their 
player (David Batty) even tried to keep him on the pitch. He had gone down very 
cleverly but then tried to redeem himself by trying to stop him being sent off.

Leeds were far better than us in the first half. They moved the ball around well while 
we looked weary and out of touch. We we were slow to the second ball, slow in our 
passing and movement. It cost us the game. Both their goals could have been avoided. 
One was poor marking and the other when we gave the ball away in a dangerous area. 
What was a shame was that the game ended 11 against 10, maybe if Steven had of stayed 
on we could have snatched the equaliser.

It was a bad day at the office, and we came up against a Leeds side who are flying. 
But we still have two games in hand and we won't play as badly as that again. I could 
have substituted the whole side at half-time, nobody had played well."

[4] Big Fat Ron on Ole
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From the Guardian:

"Sir Alex Ferguson's comment this week that Ole Gunnar Solskjaer was "the best 
substitute ever" set me thinking. David Fairclough would have plenty of fans willing 
to argue his case, and I can't help feeling that over the years the art of 
substitution has become easier. 

First of all the number of substitutes you can use and choose from has
increased substantially. I remember being able to name only one man on the bench for 
United in the 1985 FA Cup final and going for Micky Duxbury, who could cover in 
defence or midfield. Not until 1987-88 were two changes allowed in league matches. 

On top of that, clubs in the Premiership benefit from carrying larger
squads of quality players, which means the assets at a manager's disposal on the bench 
are better. 

It's a different game replacing one player with another of equal ability rather than 
putting on a kid with potential or a lad who was seen as not quite good enough or was 
just coming back from injury. 

At one time even the top sides worked with about 14 or 15 top players, with the rest 
of the squad made up of reserves or youngsters who were trying to force their way in. 
I remember having a young Mark Hughes in that position at Old Trafford. 

Now the depth of squad is such that United, Arsenal and Liverpool have four top-class 
strikers. At Panathinaikos in the Champions League, Ferguson was able to take off 
Cole, throw on Solskjaer and Teddy Sheringham alongside Dwight Yorke and watch United 
get a last-minute equaliser. Arsène Wenger's Arsenal have ended games with four 

The Liverpool management had to be spot on with their use of Fairclough, who was the 
original supersub in everyone's books. They couldn't bring him on and then reinforce 
that with someone else, so they had to make sure the point of impact was perfect. 

Although Fairclough never seemed to get a regular place at Anfield he came on and 
scored some vital goals, most famously the winner against St Etienne in the European 
Cup quarter-final of 1977. 

One of his great ingredients was the extra pace he could offer, which can be so 
important from a substitute. Obviously Sheringham offers something different, but that 
speed can catch out defenders who are tiring physically and might also mentally be 
going to sleep. 

That's why I understand Glenn Hoddle and, to a lesser extent, Kevin
Keegan's thinking in using Michael Owen as an international substitute
while he is rounding off his all-round game. He can come on with fresh life and 
vitality and be a surprise package, as he showed by scoring against Romania at the 
1998 World Cup and in Paris last year against France. 

Of course, bigger benches make it easier for managers to keep players
happy. I recall how disappointed Steve McCall, Garry Parker and others were be left 
out of the 13 for Aston Villa's 1994 League Cup final against United because I could 
only name two substitutes. 

But even with only one change at your disposal a manager could turn a game, as Bob 
Paisley showed with Fairclough. I remember making a decisive substitution for United 
when we playing Everton in the sixth round of the FA Cup in 1983 at Old Trafford. 

We were drawing 0-0 with 30 seconds remaining when we won a corner. As a last throw of 
the dice I decided to put on Lou Macari, who was in the veteran stage but still 
capable of an impact. Micky Duxbury came over to ask who was coming off and I said: 
"You are, you're the nearest." 

Lou ran straight into the box, got up and won a header from which Frank Stapleton 
volleyed the winner. People were saying what a masterstroke it was, but it was more a 
bit of jam. 

So many of Solskjaer's contributions from the bench have been less flukey. He picks up 
the pace of a game very quickly and when you talk to people at Old Trafford they will 
tell you he is the best finisher on the books. 

He's not a great combination player and I'm not always sure United's play benefits in 
terms of overall quality when he's in the side. But if there are chances being made 
he's great to have around. 

There's hardly a team Solskjaer wouldn't be the regular centre-forward for, and of 
course he's in United folklore for scoring what is probably the all-time substitution 
goal: the injury-time winner against Bayern Munich in the 1999 European Cup final. 

At Arsenal Sylvain Wiltord has also made some vital contributions from the bench, 
sparking the comeback against Shakhtar Donetsk in the Champions League and nicking two 
goals to knock Chelsea out of the FA Cup. 

But there's no question substitutions can misfire as well. When I took
United to the 1983 Charity Shield, Joe Fagan made a change for Liverpool as we were 
preparing to take a corner. The replacement ran on and before he had got into position 
or picked up the tempo, Bryan Robson scored. That taught me not to change things when 
you're defending a set-play in the last third. 

But the classic misfiring substitution came at the 1970 World Cup, when England were 
leading Germany 2-0. Alf Ramsey brought on Colin Bell and Norman Hunter for Bobby 
Charlton and Martin Peters with 13 minutes left. Somehow, by the end, England had lost 

[3] Remember to get RN 76 before the game today
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
Trafford Borough Council interview - and lots more. Just £1.50 from Reds before the 
ridiculously early game against Charlton.

[2] Scholes on recent life
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"To win against Charlton after losing to Liverpool and Bayern Munich and take a step 
closer to winning the League was important. We've come back from losing a couple of 
games on the trot before, so it wasn't going to dent our confidence. We were always 
going to come back. We do have to raise our game quite a bit. We were disappointed 
with the result against Bayern, so we're looking forward to the second leg. We can 
definitely still get through as long as we play as well as we can. Effenberg is a 
player who makes them tick and a lot of their moves go through him. But it's not just 
him, they've got Scholl and Jancker who is a handful.

But we're just concentrating on the Coventry game. We don't expect Arsenal to drop any 
points at home, so if we get a win on Saturday we'll need one more win and that will 
get us the League."

[1] Scholes on Coventry
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by bar-knee:
"They've played very well in their last two games and got a couple of wins. They'll be 
trying to beat us and win three on the trot. Hartson is a big forward with a lot of 
presence. He can definitely score goals and create them too. He's very strong and 
physical, and will probably be their danger man. It's always quite a close game 
against them. They like to play football and create chances. They're a hard-working 
team and it's going to be difficult."

[26] Fancy a flutter?
Posted Friday, April 13, 2001 by bar-knee:
You'll notice (below) that we've signed up with Ladbrokes on the site - not to 
persuade you to bet away your dosh of course but for those of you who were going to 
have a bet anyway somewhere else, to provide you with a simple and effective way to 
check odds and back a tip via the net.

Quite simple really - but just make sure you win.

Seriously though, from personal experience don't bet what you don't have and only go 
with certs! And those lucky rich sods out there - go win on us on the bet of us to 
beat Bayern 2-1!

Just click on the link below and go to the top right hand bar of the Ladbrokes site 
and click on 'open account' to set up a betting account, and hey presto - you're 
off...and you can also get odds in fractions as well on every bet imaginable (bar city 
not going down!).

Also ask away to the Ask Jeeves bod below on that link (lovely fella) - ask him any 
question you like really. 

Thanks for helping us with the site and most important of all, win!

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