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[13] They really are paranoid about us
Posted Sunday, December 30, 2001 by tb:
Robson again!:

'The Manchester United game is the one that will measure us. Alex was just playing 
games when he said his side couldn't win the title. They have lost matches they didn't 
expect to lose, but they are still extremely dangerous. The most dangerous of the lot 
in my book.' 

[12] Bobby on Fergies 'retirement
Posted Sunday, December 30, 2001 by tb:
'I don't go along with the theory that Alex announcing his retirement early has 
affected Manchester United's form.' 'Everyone seems to think Alex will be going at the 
end of the season and if he says it, then I suppose it must be true, but I'll believe 
it when I see it. That's another story, though. Assuming he is going, I don't think it 
is too much of a problem if the players know in advance. 

[11] Behind you
Posted Sunday, December 30, 2001 by tb:
As 'Wor Bobby' gets that 1996 feeling again:

'We aren't talking about titles, Manchester United are still top dogs for me, but the 
fans think we can win it and that's a nice feeling.' 

[10] A pensioner speaks
Posted Sunday, December 30, 2001 by tb:
Bobby Robson live from his bath chair:

'Of course Manchester United can still win the title, I think they have a great squad 
and a great chance,' Robson said. 'They have had a blip, but I just cannot envisage 
them blipping again this season.' 

[9] Mark Robbins: It was a dream
Posted Sunday, December 30, 2001 by tb:
"You have to give Alex Ferguson credit," Robins said. "If you're a young player who 
has been brought up the Manchester United way it's easier than being bought and having 
the added pressure of a fee on your shoulders. I think Alex Ferguson saw that and he 
introduced a lot of young lads at the time. We were nicknamed the Fergie Fledglings. 
It was his way of taking the pressure out of the situation. It was good management on 
his part.

"The achievement of that season was obviously the springboard to go on and win other 
things. Looking back now, I fully appreciate what we did. It was a dream of mine to 
play for my home- town team, the team I supported as a boy. I'll be forever grateful 
to Alex Ferguson."

[8] Mark Robbins on 3rd round FA Cup 1990
Posted Sunday, December 30, 2001 by tb:
Seems like it never happened now!

"If we'd gone out of the FA Cup that would have been our season over, and people have 
drawn their own conclusions. I think it's got more significant over time because of 
Alex Ferguson's achievements at Manchester United.

"I had no idea what the situation actually was at the time. I was only young then. I 
was just coming into the team, trying to hold down a place in the squad. That's all I 
was concerned about. I think it was all probably a little bit over my head at that 
time, because I was just concentrating on myself. I was a naïve young lad. It was 
probably a good thing."

[7] Team news
Posted Sunday, December 30, 2001 by tb:
Team (from): Barthez, P Neville, Blanc, G Neville, Silvestre, Veron, Keane, Butt, 
Giggs, Solskjaer, van Nistelrooy, Beckham, Scholes, Yorke, Wallwork, Chadwick, Irwin, 

Team (from): Van der Sar, Brevett, Finnan, Melville, Goma, Collins, Legwinski, 
Malbranque, Davis, Ouaddou, Taylor, Boa Morte, Hayles, Saha, Stolcers, Marlet.

[6] Ingerlund players under the influence?
Posted Sunday, December 30, 2001 by tb:
>From Ananova:

A Norwegian professor says he will hypnotise David Beckham and his England team mates 
to boost their chances of winning the World Cup.

Dr Willi Railo is confident his techniques will make the players feel unbeatable and 
spur them to glory.

Beckham, Michael Owen and Paul Scholes will reportedly be singled out for special 
hypnosis sessions.

I think we prefer Fergie's methods don't you!

[5] Sourness in his lifeboat?
Posted Sunday, December 30, 2001 by tb:
"I am absolutely delighted."

"I've said all season that the thing we have missed is someone who is a goalscorer 
and, in Andy, we've gone for the very best. It would be hard for us to make a better 

"I'm really happy. Players are very expensive and the board have pushed the boat out."

[4] Andy: Splinters hurt
Posted Sunday, December 30, 2001 by tb:
"It was a big decision. When you leave a club like Manchester United it's always going 
to be a big decision.

"I am 30 and it's very important that in the next few years I'm playing football. 
That's all I want to do. I don't enjoy being on the bench.

"I am really looking forward to playing here. I spoke at great length to the manager 
and at what he was looking to do at the club and that made my mind up."

'Manchester United is a great club and I had seven great years there and won just 
about everything going.

'But there is no chance of me playing regularly so it did not take me long to make my 
mind up.

[3] Fergie may not quit?
Posted Sunday, December 30, 2001 by redend:
The News of the World reckons he has already told his players he will not retire in 
the summer if United end up trophy-less this season. [Oh OK - its still Ta Ra then 

Fergie said: "At the moment my mind is made up about retiring at the end of the 

"Is there any possibility of me changing my mind? I don't think so but you never know 
what might happen." 

"The club are looking for my successor but when the thing comes, nearer the time, who 
knows what will happen? But at the moment my mind is fixed on retiring." 

NOTW says that when we were going through our bad run - with defeats against 
Deportivo, West Ham, Chelsea and Arsenal - Fergie summoned the players after training 
and told them he would not leave without having won a trophy. And in recent weeks he 
has suggested the need for a general manager's role at United. 

[Hmmm - can't see Fergie changing his mind about retiring but if he was offered a 
different kind of managerial role then you never know. Could this be the reason he's 
thought to have already postponed end of season retirement celebrations?]

[2] League Table on Saturday Night
Posted Sunday, December 30, 2001 by redend:
Table at "Close of Play" on Saturday



Posted Sunday, December 30, 2001 by redend:

Alex Plypin vents:

Any time you want, if the first 2 letters of your surname represent 'The Brand' that 
you tried to buy on the cheap not so long ago. Some of us can still remember laceys on 
the pitch, wooden rattles, terraces where you could not move for a half-time pee - so 
had to improvise, that smell from Brown & Poulson/Kelloggs, and a 3pm kick off on a 
Saturday afternoon. The current crop of TV presenting wannabees were not even thought 
of when footie was footie. They are there for their youth, looks, and precious little 
The hype that now surrounds The Beautiful Game has made it into something that it 
isn't. The way that things are going, we are going to end up with Offence, Defence, 4 
quarters, and a match that lasts the best part of a day. We don't need girlies and 
pompoms or made-up cartoon characters on the pitch, a tannoy blasting music that makes 
your ears bleed, 'celebrity' fans who would not know their west stand from their 
Stretford End, kick offs delayed to meet the demands of advertisers, patronising 
wankers trying to contradict the evidence of your own eyes, we want our game back.
And, I'm not talking about going back to the days when our kids thought everything was 
lived in black and white, I am on about a schedule where you have a fair chance of 
predicting in advance what time to take off work, in order to follow your main 
passion. Not long ago, we played t'rovers at wemberley at 5pm on a Sunday, and I 
thought then that the half-wits at the FA can't possibly top this - especially as you 
had to leave at half-time, if you were catching the last service train.
I am sick and tired of the Great Hairy Ape creaming himself at yet another morning KO 
'on police advice', and the fortuity with which their cameras just happened to be in 
the vicinity. With all-day opening, in exactly what state do they expect the majority 
to be when arriving at the scene of Giggsy's wonder goal in the Treble Season? The 
Team That Destroyed The FA Cup (by acceding to the wishes of its organisers) are now 
expected to turn out at 7pm on a Sunday, and hardly any of the seagulls have a thing 
to write about it.
How long before it is 3am on a Tuesday morning, to suit the 'market' in the Far East? 
The coming World Cup schedule may well persuade the programmers that there IS such a 
market - we'll all end up jet-lagged in our own seats.

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