Thanks Paul. You just described me to a T.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul <>
Sent: Mon, Sep 20, 2010 9:35 am
Subject: Re: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: I DON'T GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is probably the single most well-defined explanation I've really read for 
the imagery that so often accompanies the Harley crowd. Honestly, for a LONG 
time I've considered the draw toward V-twin bikes with loud pipes and out-dated 
styling to be much more about image than engineering excellence.  

Oh each his own. But I have to say the "intimidation factor" of the 
skull and cross bones has lost its impact when the t-shirt is now worn by a 
60-something, overweight, grey-haired guy who doesn't look like he could fight 
his way out of a paper bag. :)


On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 7:33 AM, surfswab <> wrote:

Death. Danger. The grim reaper.

All that stuff, along with swastikas, Nazi helmets, the Maltese Cross,
etc. came out of the 50s when various subcultures began rebelling
against the Leave-It-To-Beaver status quo.  Beatniks were part of
that, later hippies and anti-war protesters.

The motorcycle paraphenalia was dreamed up by the Hell's Angels types
to shock, intimidate and generally scare the beejesus out of ordinary
citizens, mainly because it was considered a cool, hip thing to do.

Most of the imagery involved vague references to evil events or ideas,
but it became essentially mindless imitation by those whose wished to
be identified with the "bad boys."

It still exists, especially with the Harley crowd, because Harleys
were an integral part of the imagery back then.  Nowadays, it's
equally mindless, but favored by those who are more interested in
"stylin'" than in motorcyclin'.


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