I need a little help... my bike was working properly the other day until I 
got home.  I couldn't downshift out of overdrive, Stepping on the shifter, 
you can feel everything moving, but it doesn't click into the next gear... 
at this point, the gear indicator on the dash is indicating OD, but its in 
between gears, you can pull the clutch in and release and makes no 
difference.  Its been shifting a little funny (mis-shifts occasionally, 
occasional hard downshift), but seemed OK just prior to coming home... 
which was about 10 miles of highway driving (I had run a few errands just 
before coming home and all was good).  I was thinking I'm probably going to 
have to pull the engine and split the case to find the problem... a friend 
had suggested the shifter forks may be bad.  Anyone have any other 
suggestions?  Can anyone tell me what i'm getting into here?  I've torn 
apart car engines/transmissions but never a bike engine/trans... any advice 
would be appreciated!


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