Larry Kopitnik wrote:

> According to diagrams in the F100's sales brochure (unless I'm
> interpreting them incorrectly), the autofocus sensor is in the bottom
> of the camera, while the metering sensor is above the pentaprism, near
> the viewfinder eyepiece. Both sensors may well be on the same optical
> plane, but they're in two different locations in the camera. Like the
> F5's focus and metering sensors.

I too have got the F100's sales brochure and interpret it the same way as
you do. Could the Nikon technical guy have told me bullshit? He seemed
pretty sure of what he said.

> Nevertheless, I again checked the spot meters in my F100. The area
> that the spot sensors cover beyond the marked brackets does seem to
> extend more above the brackets than below. That is, as I imagine a 4
> mm x 4 mm spot metering area box surrounding the smaller brackets,
> that box does not evenly surround the brackets but is shifted up.
> Regardless, it does include all of the area covered by the brackets.

What matters is the real "teeth" spot sensor diagram. According to my
(roughly) tests, this shift can result in a 1/2 or even 1 f-stop measuring
error in the case there is a large gradient of light intensity between the
part of the scene you are spotting in and the part which is immediatly


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