>I talked to the Nikon France technical guy today. He told me that he
>notices the same misalignement as I reported with the samples he has been
>able to test. He measured that the spot metering is done approximatively
>1/3 on the focusing square and 2/3 above it.

>He explained me that this is due to the fact that light and focus sensors
>are located on the same surface. Hence, they cannot be exactly at the same
>place. He added that this wasn't the case with the F5 because the spot
>metering was taken with some of the 1000 pixels CCD sensor and that focus
>sensors weren't located on the same surface.

>According to diagrams in the F100's sales brochure (unless I'm interpreting
>them incorrectly), the autofocus sensor is in the bottom of the camera,
>while the metering sensor is above the pentaprism, near the viewfinder
>eyepiece. Both sensors may well be on the same optical plane, but they're
>in two different locations in the camera. Like the F5's focus and metering

>Nevertheless, I again checked the spot meters in my F100. The area that the
>spot sensors cover beyond the marked brackets does seem to extend more
>above the brackets than below. That is, as I imagine a 4 mm x 4 mm spot
>metering area box surrounding the smaller brackets, that box does not
>evenly surround the brackets but is shifted up. Regardless, it does include
>all of the area covered by the brackets.


Hi All !
I just checked my F100's spot-meter position "AGAIN" and with my particular
body they seem to line "Dead-On" with the "FOCUS" brackets !!!

I checked them using the following method,
First of all I hung my light-box (For checking slides for those that don't
know what one is !) on the "Darkest" wall that I could find, which for me is
in my dark room (All the wall in my dark room are painted "MATT BLACK") And
then proceeded to turn it on (The light box that is !!!),
As my dark room is only 20 feet long I mounted my 28-70mm f/2.8 AFS lens and
started to check,
After testing exhaustively many many times (Took about 1 hour to test and
then check and then check again) I can tell you that for the "3 HORIZONTAL
BRACKETS" the spot meter seems to line up perfectly with them, However for
the two brackets immediately above and below the centre bracket I noticed
that the spot meter started responding a little above and below each
bracket, Although "PLEASE NOTE" that this was only a very small amount
(About 2x the width of the black lines that make up the brackets), Other
than that they too line up perfectly,

I do hope that this info can help you somehow Larry,
And I also hope that you get any problem cleared up as soon as possible !!!

All the best Larry !!!

Thank You !
                                                Happy Snapping !!!

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