@bluenote, also for `formatFloat`, it should also explain that it seems to 
using `rounding` of the digits its displays and not truncation. If a user wants 
to just truncate the displayed digits what function does that, or can this one 
perform that too. It may be an option to include into this function (and other 
ones where relevant).
    let num = 5.1273456
    echo num.formatFloat(ffDecimal,1)
    echo num.formatFloat(ffDecimal,2)
    echo num.formatFloat(ffDecimal,3)
    echo num.formatFloat(ffDecimal,4)
    echo num.formatFloat(ffDecimal,5)
    echo num.formatFloat(ffDecimal,6)
    echo num.formatFloat(ffDecimal,7)
    echo num.formatFloat(ffDecimal,8)

This is why you have to have thorough test structures in order to provide `good 
and accurate human usable` documentation. What you have there now, though 
technically accurate, doesn't tell the whole story of how the function behaves, 
and what then should a user do if they want to do `decimal truncation`. It 
should be explicitly stated it performs `rounding` of the digits before 
displaying. Is there a function that performs truncation?

One significant added benefit of writing thorough tested documentation is, 
after you do it, you will `really` understand how the language `actually` 
works, and not just how you thought it did.

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