
This is an interesting idea but it seems to be more complicated than just a consideration of the residual variability (RV%) when using log transformation with transform both sides (TBS) estimation.

First of all you appear to assume that the RV% is only a proportional residual error but if could also include an additive component when using TBS so that there is not a single RV% that would describe a particular situation because it would change with concentration.

A model based estimate of AUC would typically be based on an empirical Bayes estimate (EBE) of CL. This estimate is of course a shrinkage estimate which will typically be biased towards the population CL but I have realized that there is also EBE bias from the choice of transformation used in parameter estimation. Thus I would not expect the model based estimate to be additionally biased because of using EBEs with TBS. This is probably something you have thought about so please inform me.

Turning to the NCA method - I dont know if a bias is expected from the NCA calculated AUC but I would naively assume that the trapezoidal part would not be biased. I am ready to learn if there is a bias expected with trapezoidal NCA. I expect this has been investigated and reported but I am not familiar with it. The extrapolated portion typically relies on a log linear transformation to estimate the elimination rate constant which so in this respect the log transformed model based and NCA based methods would seem to be similar.

Another source of difference between model and NCA based AUCs might arise from the use of different statistics to describe the central tendency of the indidual estimates. NCA estimates could be based on the arithmetic mean of the individual AUC sor on the geometric mean (most commonly used for bioequivalence analysis). The model based estimates based on the arithmetic mean of the EBE predicted AUCs would be biased towards the geometric mean because the population value would typically be estimated with an exponential ETA.

If you have the time would you expand on the details of your assertion so that I and others can understand the basis more clearly? It seems to me that comparison of model based AUCs with NCA based AUCs is more complicated than just a consideration of the typical value of the residual error.


Mats Karlsson wrote:

Dear Ethan,

Just a caution when comparing model-based AUCs with NCA calculated AUCs. If you have done your modeling using log-transformation of observations and model predictions and then compared AUCs on the linear scale, you should not expect a perfect agreement between the two. The reason is that the mean of an exponentiated distribution of epsilons is not the same as the median, but higher. Thus, the AUCs of model-predicted individual profiles will be expected to be lower than either simulated or observed. The magnitude of the difference will depend on the residual error magnitude and will typically be:

%RV      expected AUC difference

10           0.50%

20           2%

30           5%

40           9%

50           14%

70           29%

Best regards,


Mats Karlsson, PhD

Professor of Pharmacometrics

Dept of Pharmaceutical Biosciences

Uppsala University

Box 591

751 24 Uppsala Sweden

phone: +46 18 4714105

fax: +46 18 471 4003

*From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Ethan Wu
*Sent:* Friday, March 20, 2009 6:52 PM
*Subject:* Re: [NMusers] calculation of AUC

sorry for being lazy this morning and wish relying on others knowledge

just to share, I used DADT=C method, and it didn't depend on sampling after I tried with my model (which took quite a while to get results)

-- I could do as Bill suggested setting up some small dataset and simple model to check first, then would share with the group ealier :-)


*From:* "" <>
*Sent:* Friday, March 20, 2009 9:42:59 AM
*Subject:* Fw: [NMusers] calculation of AUC

I second Bill's suggestion to work this out on your own for your specific problem. This forum can help you with general questions and overall approaches, but very specific queries like this are for you and your colleagues to hash out.

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"'Martin Bergstrand'" <>, "'Ethan Wu'" <>,





RE: [NMusers] calculation of AUC


The easiest answer is to work it out. Do some simulations (without variability) with multiple subjects with identical PK parameters BUT different sampling times. Tabulate your AUCs and compare the results for different sampling times!

*From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Martin Bergstrand*
Sent:* Friday, March 20, 2009 8:45 AM*
To:* 'Ethan Wu';*
Subject:* RE: [NMusers] calculation of AUC
Dear Ethan, You need to provide more information on how you plan to calculate AUC otherwise the question can’t be answered. It is of course possible to calculate the AUC without any influence of the sampling frequency. You should be able to find examples of how to do this in the NMusers archive. See for example the answer from Mats Karlsson in this thread ( <>). Kind regards, Martin Bergstrand, MSc, PhD student
Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences,
Uppsala University
P.O. Box 591
SE-751 24 Uppsala
----------------------------------------------- <>
Work:   +46 18 471 4639
Mobile: +46 709 994 396
Fax:    +46 18 471 4003
*From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Ethan Wu*
Sent:* den 20 mars 2009 13:05*
Subject:* [NMusers] calculation of AUC
Hi all, to calculate AUC of one of the compartments using ADVAN6, if it is a fixed time interval, will the AUC be influenced by the frequncy of sampling of the dataset within this interval or not?

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Nick Holford, Dept Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacology
University of Auckland, 85 Park Rd, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand tel:+64(9)923-6730 fax:+64(9)373-7090

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