I caution states to think carefully before offering incentives to
districts (if that is the question). Some districts are offering
incentives to former students and /or families for their participation
but not in WA. We are a state that has a census study; all districts
participate and follow-up with all "leavers" (what a term!). We do have
questions from districts such as, "Where does it say we have to do
this?" Our state requires districts to participate as per Indicators 14
and 20 (which ensures timely and valid data) and they address their data
in the LEA application for funding. There is a huge effort provided to
help districts do this work and it has taken quite a few years to get to
this point. Of course there is still resistance from some districts as
well as the continuous problem of staff turn over from year to year. In
addition to the complications and expense of providing incentives my
personal opinion is that those that want to participate do so for
something other than money and those that are resistant won't be all
that swayed by monetary incentives. With all the huge amount of effort
this takes we are always excited to get emails like those below.
PRINCIPALS making phone calls!!! Please note that this is a principal in
one of the largest high schools in the state!
-----Original Message-----

Subject: 2008 Post School Follow Up Surveys Due 2/1/09

XXXX,  the principal for XXX will be doing the surveys. I think this is
a great statement on the importance of the surveys and would like your
help in getting her logged in smoothly.

I set her up as a user macs...@xxxxxxs.org <mailto:macs...@xxxxxxs.org> 



Subject: RE: Post High School Survey 

 Yes- I was able to fix the problem on my end.  I like doing these
surveys- this has helped me to do a better job on my current student's
IEPs.  :-)

Thanks for reading!
Dr. Cinda Johnson, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor, Special Education Program Director
P.I., Center for Change in Transition Services
www.seattleu.edu/ccts <blocked::blocked::http://www.seattleu.edu/ccts> 
College of Education
P.O. Box 222000
Seattle University
Seattle, WA 98122
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From: owner-npsos...@lists.uoregon.edu
[mailto:owner-npsos...@lists.uoregon.edu] On Behalf Of Jane Falls
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 12:58 PM
To: PSO CofP
Subject: [SPAM] [NPSO]: Question from state re incentives
Importance: Low

A fellow state is asking a question:

We are wanting to start offering incentives to participants who take
part in our Indicator 14 survey. Can you tell me what some other states
are offering? We were thinking $5 Sonic cards or Visa gift cards. Any
ideas you have seen to be successful? Any help would be appreciated!

If you have experiences related to this, please reply all and share your
ideas! Thanks! Jane

Jane Falls, Coordinator
National Post-School Outcomes Center
1268 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1268

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