I too believe that the government should get more involved by instituting
more strict security policies, but I also feel that the airports and
airlines themselves should (and hope would want to) institute policies under
their own power. If it was the policy of a privately owned airport to pat
down each and every passenger before going through security gates, how many
do you think would actually complain about their rights being taken away?
It's a rule they'll have to abide by to fly. Plain and simple. 

The pilots are another story as well. Why can't they carry stun guns or
tazers into the cockpit? Why can't they have steel barriers between the
cockpit and cabin? It certainly wouldn't pose any more of a safetly issue.
Why not make a certain degree of martial arts be a pre-requisite for all
prospective flight attendants/pilots from here on out? It's no secret their
job is becoming more and more important, and hazardous. Only people that
have been trained to handle these types of situations should be allowed to
hold these positions. I don't mean to disriminate here, but I've been on
flights with ederly flight attendants that had a hard time walking down the
aisle. What could an 80 year old woman do to help any passengers in these
types of situations? I think adding an armed sky marshal to every plane
would be a significant improvement in safety and preventive measures. But
would we be introducing another potential danger? What amount of money will
it take to keep these sky marshals from being disgruntled and downing planes

There's no doubt in my mind that measures need to be taken, and I think
they're making a good start. It's only natural to implement small changes as
quick as possible and leave time for major changes to be investigated and

Sean Martin, MCSE
Network Administrator
Ribelin Lowell & Company
Insurance Brokers, Inc.
3111 C Street, Suite 300
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Ph: (907) 561-1250
Fax: (907) 561-4315
Cell: (907) 229-0885

-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 1:10 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Airport security (was: The idiocy continues!)

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, Clayton wrote:
> Can you imagine being a passenger on a hijacked plane after this? It
> won't happen again, because the next time a hijack happens, the
> passengers will think of New York and storm the hijackers before being
> used as a guided missile.

  There is evidence that the plane that crashed in PA had just that happen.

  However, what if they simply shoot everyone first?

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