This model works quite well for world wide enterprises, but with a
little of creativity you can make it easier and fit to small shops

2 characters to country: "US", "BR"azil, "SP"ain, "CA"nada)
3 characters to city: SPO = Sao Paulo, HOU = Houston, VAN = Vancouver
3 characters to function: MSG = Exchange, SQL, WEB, APP =
Applications, PRT = Printing
3 numbers to unique ID: 001, 099, 133, 899

BRSPOMSG001 = Exchange server #1 at Sao Paulo, Brazil
USHOUSQL002 = Database server #2 at Houston, US
CAVANWEB099 = Web server # 99 at Vancouver, Canada
SPMADAPP133 = Application server # 133 at Madrid, Spain

Depending on the number of servers you believe will accommodate the
next 5 years growth, you can use 3 or even 2 numbers to designate the
unique ID. If you shop is country wide "only" you can use the first
two letters to designate the state.
Hope that helps ;)

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