On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Alverson, Tom (Xetron)
<tom.alver...@ngc.com> wrote:
> ... mirror ... performance was fine ...
> The RAID5 part was still horribly slow.

  Short version: Your RAID controller stinks.  Buy a better one.

  Explanation: Mirroring requires no computation; the controller just
writes the same block to two different disks.  RAID5 requires
computation; an XOR operation has to be done for every byte of data in
every block written to the logical RAID volume.  If the RAID
controller lacks fast, dedicated silicon to do the XOR calculations
(i.e., it just uses a general-purpose microprocessor for XOR), RAID5
write performance will tend to be abysmal while mirroring is good.

>  some recommended adding the battery/more RAM option

  The battery will likely mean that the controller will turn on
write-back caching, i.e., it will buffer pending writes in the
controller's cache RAM, while signaling to the OS that the write
operation completed.  This is considered "safe" if you have a battery,
since even in a server power failure or crash, the controller will
keep the pending write around until the server is functional again.

  Doing this sort of caching can help write performance in some
situations.  In particular, a small burst of writes to random
locations will perform much better.  However, large/sustained writes
will overwhelm the cache and kill performance again.

-- Ben

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