There aren't many vendors that will do block de-dupe (as a standard feature) 
other than Netapp.


Lefthand is nice kit, my biggest reservation (and of course this is not aimed 
solely to Lefthand) is that all it does is iSCSI.


The good things are it's modular, you can tier (SATA and SAS) and as you add 
nodes you add redundancy and performance, and of course you get all the 
licenses included.


Personally I'd go grab a spare box, slap ESXi on it, download the Lefthand VSA 
and give it a try - it's no different from the hardware SAN and you might find 
that it's an ideal fit for your environment as you can use one or both of your 
existing servers rather than having to buy a hardware SAN that you may not get 
close to utilizing.


I agree with Jonathan in that it's very easy to get bogged down when you don't 
have a nailed on set of requirements, you just want to get the best bang for 
your buck and you have to spend wisely (I know as I'm in the SAN market right 


From: John Aldrich [] 
Sent: 13 September 2010 18:18
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: SAN vendors


Ok... good questions. I'm looking for about 5 terabytes useable to start. I 
probably won't use half of that immediately, but I can use some of that for 
snapshots and growth. As for features, I'm not sure what features are 
available, but some I know are available and are interesting to me are dedupe, 
ISCSI, snapshots, thin provisioning. Dedupe is in the "nice to have, but not 
necessary" category. Performance, well, to start with, this will be mainly an 
overgrown file server, but I plan on bringing email in-house, and the IBM rep 
suggested I might want to virtualize my two servers and put VMWare on them, as 
they are seriously under-utilized right now (our most used server is at like 
15% CPU utilization, and that's running file/print/DC/DHCP/DNS/antivirus on the 
one box.)  The IBM rep's suggestions sound good, as far as virtualizing the 
servers, but not until I have a SAN in place. J Anyway, WRT the SAN, it will 
likely be the place where the virtualized DCs are stored, but they will be 
running off the existing hardware. The email will likely be Kerio Connect 
(pretty much guaranteed, if I have anything to say about it) and I don't think 
it uses a database. I talked to a Kerio rep last week and he assured me that 
having the mail store on a SAN is very well supported, so I have no qualms 
about that. Between redirecting people's "My Documents" folders to the network 
(and by that, I mean a SAN) and email, I expect to use up ½ to 2/3 of the 
proposed 5 Tb.




From: Paul Hutchings [] 
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2010 12:55 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: SAN vendors


John, what do you need?  Capacity?  Expansion?  Features (now and potentially 
future)?  Performance?


From: John Aldrich [] 
Sent: 13 September 2010 17:49
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: SAN vendors


Ok, I'm still in the market for a SAN. I got an IBM rep trying to sell me one 
of their SANs (rebranded LSI Logic) and I have an HP vendor trying to sell me a 
LeftHand. On the one hand (no pun intended,) the LeftHand comes with pretty 
much everything I would ever want built-into the price. On the other hand, the 
IBM is a dual-controller unit and I can just add drives as I need them where 
with the LeftHand I'd be adding intelligence each time I upgraded. There are 
pros and cons to each.  I think both are similarly priced (although the 
LeftHand solution may be a bit more expensive up-front.)

Not trying to start a flame war here, but I'm getting overwhelmed here... If 
both had similar capabilities, what would you recommend here? Anyone else I 
should be looking at in the "Budget SAN" range (<$30K for one SAN, including 
setup, maintenance, etc.)



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