On Sun, 2006-03-19 at 11:29 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > It would include ALL common carrier providers, but to answer your
> silly
> > question, No, it doesn't seem silly to single out companies for
> > increased scrutiny and regulation who are given physical monopolies
> > communications access to the world wide web, or any other
> communications
> > network, for that matter.
> Well - see below, I agree with that. If a monopoly carrier chooses not
> to 
> allow others to have access to its network for resale, it should be
> bound 
> by the "neutrality". 

Which is it Alex.  Can we regulate them (and you) or not?  Not this
bogus conversation your having about customer requested QOS and the
generalized choosing of service grades for clients.  The business
practice of using your common carrier business to discriminate against
other businesses and content providers.


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