...This thread is growing old and is not worth the
amount of space it takes in my mailbox. 

--- Ruben Safir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 2006-03-20 at 23:36 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
> > So, which part of this is unclear to you, Ruben?
> ISPs are not common 
> > carriers. Done and done. In the alternate reality,
> the one you wish you 
> > lived in, they might be, but here on earth, we
> aren't. 
> > 
> Why did you snip the part on the common definition
> of Common Carrier.
> Just because some business minded extremest like
> yourself have managed
> to so far keep ISP's exempt from regulatory
> constrainst of common
> carriers on the federal level (only on the federal
> level) in NO WAY
> changes the fact that ISP's are common carriers.
> And the government has, will, and will in the future
> regulate ISP's
> since they are OBVIOUSLY common carriers.
> Ruben
> --
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