On May 1, 1:43 am, Blaine Cook <rom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We need to gain some consensus around the value (or lack thereof) that
> should be used for the oauth_callback parameter that is sent from the
> consumer to the service provider when obtaining the request token in
> the new flow. Our options:
> 1. None. Applications that cannot receive callbacks (or that have
> static callback endpoints) should be configured as such in an
> out-of-band flow, along with the service provider issues the consumer
> key and secret.
> 2. String literal "none"
> 3. String literal, other than "none"
> I have omitted "oob" explicitly since it seems as though there was a
> lot of confusion around it. However, there is the option for a
> different string literal. I'd also like to hear from library authors
> whose voices have not been present in the discussions over the past
> week. Please indicate your preferred option as soon as possible.
> b.

3 for all the reasons Breno mentioned.
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