+1, but why only partially?

I would like to add another use case for a standardized token format. Suppose a software vendor wants to built and sell a standard software component (service), e.g. an address book service, which is secured using OAuth2. Having a standardized token format would make the integration of that "standard software" within customer deployments easier. Indeed, the customers authorization server must "speak" that token format.

SAML would be a natural candidate from my point of view, a more compact variant (based on JSON?) would be fine.

I think, a standard token format should be covered in a separate specification.


Am 04.06.2010 15:37, schrieb Andrew Arnott:
Having just implemented OAuth 2.0 web server flow, it was great to be able to issue an "opaque" access token to the client. This access token is in an encrypted format that only the resource server understands. I feel pretty good about this approach as it lends to high security and tokens that only the client needs to store (or not at all).

But I'm wondering about the resource server that trusts multiple auth servers, which each have their own access token format. Without even a standardized way for an access token to express what format it is in, a resource server may have to just try decoding the token each known way until one "works".

Proposal: perhaps the access token can be /mostly/ opaque, but not quite. For instance:
The access token is in the format: /format=URI&opaquevalue/
Where URI is an arbitrary URI assigned by the auth server to assist the resource server in interpreting the /opaquevalue/ part of the token.


Andrew Arnott
"I [may] not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." - S. G. Tallentyre

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