On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 8:23 AM, Justin Richer <jric...@mitre.org> wrote:

> > We should solve one problem at a time. It's easy to layer structure
> > on top of an opaque blob in a separate spec.
> +1 to this. Token structure seems like a nice idea, but it's outside
> what should be dictated by the OAuth spec. We want people to be able to
> use OAuth to shuttle their existing tokens around, or create hexblobs
> that mean nothing to anyone else, or encode 37 fields in a structured
> format that's signed with a private key, or whatever else they want to
> do, and still have all of that be OAuth. If someone wants to say "we use
> OAuth and our tokens are UberTokens so they're compatible with everyone
> else", that's fine; but you should be fully able to do OAuth without
> adding *any* structure to your tokens whatsoever.

Token format has been out of scope of WRAP and OAuth 2.0.

A separate spec defining standard tokens has been discussed.

Luke was commenting on not supporting multiple AS. That *IS* in scope and
was a design objective and *IS* being implemented.

-- DIck

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