> Aside/my $.02: This is a key issue which Salmon+Magic Signatures
> evades by essentially treating the HTTP request (the method, URL,
> headers, etc.) as advisory/transport hints, to be ignored when reading
> the data, and making sure the protocol works even if the data is sent
> via carrier pigeon; all important information must be contained in the
> signed, structured body.  This is much much harder if you have to deal
> with totally arbitrary kinds of requests with arbitrary semantics.
> This also means that you're effectively using HTTP as a simple
> transport to move envelopes around, in much the same way you can use
> the ocean to transport messages in bottles around, but a bit more
> efficiently.  I've banged my head against this a bit and have not come
> up with a better solution but if there is one I'd love to hear it.


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