I disagree with this position and think it's vital to standardize a return structure and a common set of return values -- and that this work would be rather pointless without it. Mike, I think you might be thinking in terms of introspection simply unpacking what's already contained inside the token, and the AS doing the effort of unpacking that for the RS. This is, after all, what used to be the case for the now-defunct OpenID Connect "CheckID Endpoint". But what's really happening here is this general pattern:

- The client passes the token to the RS. The client doesn't know or care what's in the token or what it's used for, it just knows that it can use the token at the RS. - The RS gets the token and passes it along to the introspection endpoint on the AS. The means by which the RS figures out where its AS is is out of scope for this bit of work. - The AS is looking at the token as passed in, (whether it's structured like a JWT, a random UUID, an integer into a DB, whatever deployment-specific bit you want) and figures out if the token is any good and what it's for. The AS can do this in whatever deployment-specific way it wants to: look up the token in a DB, unpack the JWT and check the signature, decrypt the token's payload, whatever. - The AS returns (in a standardized JSON object) a set of claims about the token. While it's possible that these claims can be included in the token directly (as a JWT, for instance) and the RS could have read them if it knew how to parse said token, it's important that they don't have to be communicated that way and the token itself does not have to be structured at all. The AS can literally issue a token of "foo.bar.123" and the RS can do an introspection call to turn "foo.bar.123" into {valid: true, sub: user-person, aud: resource-server, ... } - The RS looks at the returned JSON value and uses that to make its authorization decision.

It's imperative to note that the token in OAuth is opaque to the *client* -- it is not opaque to other parties, namely the AS. And in most deployments, it's not opaque to the RS either, since the RS has to be able to turn the OAuth token into something that can help it make authorization decisions. Having an introspection endpoint with a standardized return value would actually allow the token content itself to be opaque to the RS as well as the Client.

All that said, I think there is enough variability and flexibility in OAuth deployments that the introspection data response should (and so far, has) follow the JWT model: define a core set of claims with clear semantics, make them all optional apart from the common "active" field, and allow for copious extension. It's a very simple, very useful pattern that's been implemented by many different developers.

 -- Justin

On 07/29/2014 01:15 PM, Mike Jones wrote:

As I see it, there are two different kinds of standardization for introspection that could occur. One is defining a standard endpoint for doing introspection on an access token and possibly refresh token. The other is defining standard contents to be returned from the introspection.

I'm skeptical of the standard contents, given that access tokens and refresh tokens are intentionally opaque. Implementations could range from being an integer index into a database table, to being a UUID to being an encrypted JWT with context-specific claims. I don't see anything in common in those implementations for introspection to return.

While I can see marginal utility to having a common endpoint and request syntax, I would be against trying to standardize the contents of what an introspection request might return. It's as deployment-specific as the access token representation itself.

-- Mike

*From:*OAuth [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] *On Behalf Of *Paul Madsen
*Sent:* Tuesday, July 29, 2014 2:48 AM
*To:* Phil Hunt
*Cc:* oauth@ietf.org
*Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Confirmation: Call for Adoption of "OAuth Token Introspection" as an OAuth Working Group Item

Standardized Introspection will be valuable in NAPPS, where the AS and RS may be in different policy domains.

Even for single policy domains, there are enterprise scenarios where the RS is from a different vendor than the AS, such as when an API gateway validates tokens issued by an 'IdP' . We've necessarily defined our own introspection endpoint and our gateway partners have implemented it, (at the instruction of the customer in question). But of course it's proprietary to us.


On Jul 28, 2014, at 8:59 PM, Phil Hunt <phil.h...@oracle.com <mailto:phil.h...@oracle.com>> wrote:

    That doesn't explain the need for inter-operability. What you've
    described is what will be common practice.

    It's a great open source technique, but that's not a standard.

    JWT is much different. JWT is a foundational specification that
    describes the construction and parsing of JSON based tokens. There
    is inter-op with token formats that build on top and there is
    inter-op between every communicating party.

    In OAuth, a site may never implement token introspection nor may
    it do it the way you describe.  Why would that be a problem?  Why
    should the group spend time on something where there may be no
    inter-op need.

    Now that said, if you are in the UMA community.  Inter-op is quite
    foundational.  It is very very important. But then maybe the spec
    should be defined within UMA?



    www.independentid.com <http://www.independentid.com>

    phil.h...@oracle.com <mailto:phil.h...@oracle.com>

    On Jul 28, 2014, at 5:39 PM, Justin Richer <jric...@mit.edu
    <mailto:jric...@mit.edu>> wrote:

    It's analogous to JWT in many ways: when you've got the AS and the
    RS separated somehow (different box, different domain, even
    different software vendor) and you need to communicate a set of
    information about the approval delegation from the AS (who has the
    context to know about it) through to the RS (who needs to know
    about it to make the authorization call). JWT gives us an
    interoperable way to do this by passing values inside the token
    itself, introspection gives a way to pass the values by reference
    via the token as an artifact. The two are complementary, and there
    are even cases where you'd want to deploy them together.

     -- Justin

    On 7/28/2014 8:11 PM, Phil Hunt wrote:

        Could we have some discussion on the interop cases?

        Is it driven by scenarios where AS and resource are separate
        domains? Or may this be only of interest to specific protocols
        like UMA?

        From a technique principle, the draft is important and sound.
        I am just not there yet on the reasons for an interoperable


        On Jul 28, 2014, at 17:00, Thomas Broyer <t.bro...@gmail.com
        <mailto:t.bro...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            Yes. This spec is of special interest to the platform
            we're building for http://www.oasis-eu.org/

            On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 7:33 PM, Hannes Tschofenig
            <mailto:hannes.tschofe...@gmx.net>> wrote:

            Hi all,

            during the IETF #90 OAuth WG meeting, there was strong
            consensus in
            adopting the "OAuth Token Introspection"
            (draft-richer-oauth-introspection-06.txt) specification as
            an OAuth WG
            work item.

            We would now like to verify the outcome of this call for
            adoption on the
            OAuth WG mailing list. Here is the link to the document:

            If you did not hum at the IETF 90 OAuth WG meeting, and
            have an opinion
            as to the suitability of adopting this document as a WG
            work item,
            please send mail to the OAuth WG list indicating your
            opinion (Yes/No).

            The confirmation call for adoption will last until August
            10, 2014.  If
            you have issues/edits/comments on the document, please
            send these
            comments along to the list in your response to this Call
            for Adoption.

            Hannes & Derek

            OAuth mailing list
            OAuth@ietf.org <mailto:OAuth@ietf.org>

-- Thomas Broyer
            /t?.ma.b?wa.je/ <http://xn--nna.ma.xn--bwa-xxb.je/>

            OAuth mailing list
            OAuth@ietf.org <mailto:OAuth@ietf.org>


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