>The board of directors voted in favor of a proposal to make
>the OBC news list server members only
Hmmm, can't say I agree with this move.
>The idea is to insure that posted content is of interest to
>club members, not just the public at large; as well as
>ensuring the integrity of the information posted.
The club once had a Spokesman editor who remarked that he would print 
anything submitted to him that he thought was of interest to the 
membership.  This included non-commercial ads, recipes, - you name it.  
The idea was that someone out there might actually find the item of 
value.  To cut off a great many opinions from the cycling community at 
large is restrictive of the general cycling interests of the entire 
>-Non-members wishing to send a note of interest to the club
>can do so via this email address or the OBC office, it will
>then be decided if it is of interest to club members.
Gad! Censorship by a few people who will decide what I and the membership 
at large may find interesting/ informative/ repulsive/ whatever.  (The 
use of the delete key can rid one's computer of crap one has no interest 
in reading).

>-New subscribers will have to be approved by a list
Does this include members who the list administrator might deem to be 

>>I know personally people who joined the club, but quit after
>>a year after reading the crap that is post on this list. We
>>have members who refuse to subsribe for simular reasons.
This implies that only non-members submit crap which is simply not the 

>-As a courtesy, posters are asked to identify themselves or
>risk removal from the list.
.... Paul Lindsay
(member of OBC circa 20 years)

For list help, please send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Club Office:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (613) 230-1064
Website: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.cyberus.ca/~obcweb
Newsletter:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

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