You mean this situation like Dow in 1930..??

So it tooks a long time, maybe half of our life, to see our stock 
back to the value when we bought it last year. But, we agree that for 
previous month, we get lot of gain from this swing.


--- In, RATU SIMA <ratus...@...> wrote:
> Dear Sylar_Fang,
> While enjoying my evening's cigar & a glass of red wine here, I'll 
explain a
> little:
> A great investor will only concentrate on growth stocks, of which 
> CANSLIM requirements are duly met.
> S/he will verify their fundamental real condition, such as earning 
> QonQ comparison, clean corporate governance, strong expansion (but 
not based
> on credit system), sound subsidiaries, and so on so forth.
> Contrary to growth stocks, a great investor does not fully trust the
> cyclical stock. The merit of cyclical stock is exercised by big 
fund /
> market maker of which price movement isn't energized by its 
> merely on the strength within the market makers.
> For scalpers, swingers, intraday traders who are skilled and 
trained, it
> might give them additional profit in relatively little by little 
amount due
> to the thin volume & price range that real time market relinquishes.
> Unfortunately for investors, the risk might not be equal to its 
> Worse when such cyclical stock is occupied & owned by big fund / 
> institutions, it could tumble the whole aggregate stock index 
> because its cap market enables it to do so.
> Under this circumstance, the overall stock market condition is NOT 
> YET.
> Love,
> Aimee from Guang Zhou

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