Dear Yudizz,

Comparison to that of 1930 is very close, though not identical.
If you peruse the Great Depression Case, its total cap market that was swept
away was revolving round 85 - 90%.

Please follow on the pattern between 1929 - 1932 of Dow's. Then compare to
the chart of 2008 - 2010 (at least 2009 1 Q), the journey of bottoming out
is still on the way. (though people don't prefer to it)

History repeat itself. Growth or even more to speak 'bubbling' take years to
uplift to its culmination point before it falls down to its lowest bottom
(nadir) resembling the theory of relativity and gravitation. This concept is
widely used by big players, among other things hedge fund players and
futures index market makers.

It explains why the current downturn will not reverse in 'overnight'. Prove
it in oil price movement and relate it to war syndrome (of course Middle
East) will always be the first target. Don't forget the oil hoarders' spot.


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