AIG sama eropa hubungannya apa ya? :-)

On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 11:58 PM, adjies2000 <> wrote:

> Hello.
> ADa yang tahu peraturan delisting NYSE mengenai batasan harga saham untuk
> Delisting ?
> Dari Rule 496=501A tidak kelihatan secara spesific.
> Contoh kasus :
> Bears Stern - harga terus turun dibawah USD 1. 0.8, 0.4 sampai NOL
> Citicorp semalam ditutup USD 1.01
> = Tidak mungkin Delisting meskipun harga dibawah USD 1 (apa betul ?)
> = To big To fail, 40% saham sudah dibeli Pemerintah US. ? % milik ABU Dhabi
> = US Banking adalah kunci dari recovery US economy, pasti di Bail-out
> habis2an(dikeluarkan/diambilalih Toxic asset dari Balancesheet(pakai SPV)
> dan disuntik modal baru), seperti juga AIG mati2 di suntik karena kejatuhan
> AIG akan menghancurkan ecomomy Europe
> IT is the time to Buy Citicorp Stock !
> Pls comment
> Salam
> ======================================================
> Listing and Delisting (Rule 496—501A)
> Rule 496. Requirements for Independent Agents Acting As or In Lieu of New
> York City Transfer Agents of Securities Listed on New York Stock Exchange,
> Inc.
> [ Rule 496 was removed as part of NYSE-2004-62; please see NYSE Listed
> Company Manual 601.01 for information regarding Transfer Agents.]
> Adopted.
> June 24, 1971.
> Amended.
> July 5, 2005 (NYSE-2004-62).
> Rule 497. Additional Requirements for Listed Securities Issued by NYSE
> Euronext or its Affiliates
> (a) For purposes of this Rule 497 the terms below are defined as follows:
> (1) "NYSE Euronext Affiliate" means NYSE Euronext ( "NYSE Euronext") and
> any entity that directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries,
> controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with NYSE Euronext,
> where "control" means that one entity possesses, directly or indirectly,
> voting control of the other entity either through ownership of capital stock
> or other equity securities or through majority representation on the board
> of directors or other management body of such entity.
> (2) "Affiliate Security" means any security issued by a NYSE Euronext
> Affiliate, with the exception of Investment Company Units as defined in
> Para. 703.16 of the Listed Company Manual.
> (3) "New York Stock Exchange LLC" (the "Exchange") is a wholly owned
> subsidiary of NYSE Euronext.
> (4) "NYSE Market, Inc." ( "NYSE Market") is a wholly owned subsidiary of
> the Exchange. NYSE Market is the entity that will manage the Floor trading
> of securities.
> (5) "NYSE Regulation, Inc." ( "NYSE Regulation") is a wholly owned
> subsidiary of the Exchange and will perform the self-regulatory organization
> responsibilities pertaining to regulating the NYSE Market and the Exchange.
> (b) Prior to the initial listing of the Affiliate Security on the Exchange,
> NYSE Regulation shall determine that such securities satisfy New York Stock
> Exchange LLC's rules for listing, and such finding must be approved by the
> NYSE Regulation Board of Directors.
> (c) Throughout the continued listing of the Affiliate Security on the
> Exchange, NYSE Regulation shall
> (1) prepare a quarterly report on the Affiliate Security for the NYSE
> Regulation board of directors that describes: (a) the NYSE Regulation's
> monitoring of the Affiliate Security's compliance with the Exchange's
> listing standards, including, (i) the Affiliate Security's compliance with
> the Exchange's minimum share price requirement and (ii) the Affiliate
> Security's compliance with each of the quantitative continued listing
> requirements; and (b) NYSE's Regulation's monitoring of the trading of the
> Affiliate Security including summaries of all related surveillance alerts,
> complaints, regulatory referrals, adjusted trades, investigations,
> examinations, formal and informal disciplinary actions, exception reports
> and trading data used to ensure that the Affiliate Security's compliance
> with the Exchange's listing and trading rules. A copy of said report will be
> forwarded promptly to the Securities and Exchange Commission (
> "Commission").
> (2) Once a year, an independent accounting firm shall review the listing
> standards for the Affiliate Security to insure that the issuer is in
> compliance with the listing requirements and a copy of the report shall be
> forwarded promptly to the Commission.
> (3) In the event that NYSE Regulation determines that the Affiliate
> Security is not in compliance with any of the Exchange's listing standards,
> NYSE Regulation shall notify the issuer of such non-compliance promptly and
> request a plan of compliance. NYSE Regulation shall file a report with the
> Commission within five business days of providing such notice to the issuer
> of its non-compliance. The report shall identify the date of the
> non-compliance, type of non-compliance, and any other material information
> conveyed to the issuer in the notice of non-compliance. Within five business
> days of receipt of a plan of compliance from the issuer, NYSE Regulation
> shall notify the Commission of such receipt, whether the plan was accepted
> by NYSE Regulation or what other action was taken with respect to the plan
> and the time period provided to regain compliance with the Exchange's
> listing standards, if any.
> Adopted.
> February 27, 2006, effective March 8, 2006 (NYSE-2005-77).
> Amended.
> February 14, 2007 (NYSE-2006-120).
> Rule 499. Suspension from Dealings or Removal from List by Action of the
> Exchange
> [ Rule 499 was removed as part of NYSE-2005-15; please see NYSE Listed
> Company Manual Sections 801-804 for information regarding delisting.]
> Amendments.
> April 15, 1965.
> May 23, 1968.
> October 17, 1968.
> April 17, 1969.
> July 15, 1971.
> April 24, 1972.
> May 2, 1974.
> May 13, 1976.
> March 9, 1977.
> December 21, 1983.
> May 9, 1984.
> October 3, 1988.
> May 5, 1994.
> October 26, 1998.
> June 9, 1999.
> December 1, 1999.
> May 30, 2000.
> January 10, 2003.
> March 1, 2004 (NYSE-2004-02).
> May 5, 2005 (NYSE-2005-15) [Rescinded from Rule book and users referred to
> Listed Company Manual Sections 801-804.].
> Rule 500. Removal from the List Upon Request of the Issuer
> [ Rule 500 was removed as part of NYSE-2003-23.]
> Amendments.
> June 21, 1956.
> July 21, 1999.
> October 30, 2003 (NYSE-2003-23).
> May 5, 2005 (NYSE-2005-15).
> Rule 501A. Withdrawal from Listing and Registration Under Securities
> Exchange Act of 1934
> [ Rule 501A was removed as part of NYSE-2005-15.]
> Amendments..
> May 5, 2005 (NYSE-2005-15).

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